Should I make a GTQ account?

Hi there! I looked this site over and it looks pretty cool. I'd love to make an account. But I'm wondering what other users will think of me. I enjoy making quizzes and the forums look fun.

I also noticed some users that sounded cool. They all seem close to each other, like Emowoman and June_Roses. I also found users based off characters, such as Draco and CarlosDeVil. They all look so fun, really! But I want to know what the users would think of me...

Created by: Unknown User
  1. So, hi.
  2. I hear people like roleplaying in the forums. Is that true?
  3. SprinkledSpice looks cool. She sounds really nice with a talent for art.
  4. Wow. There's a GTQ fam, soap opera, comic, garden, and movie?
  5. Sorry I snooped in the forums... they just looked cool.
  6. Do people here like users who have a sense of humor?
  7. Is Sailor Moon popular around here? I am obsessed with it! Which is why I'd like to talk to Emowoman if I do get an account.
  8. I also enjoy anime. I just watch random anime shows and movies. I don't care what they're about, as long as they're anime.
  9. Some users have accounts based on fictional characters, correct?
  10. I'm 13. Am I old enough to have an account...?
  11. I have other accounts on quiz sites. I think I'm pretty good at making them...
  12. I also love dragons. Is that okay?
  13. I enjoy roleplaying. When I roleplay, I'm usually evil. Is that weird?
  14. Sometimes I say something offensive but I don't mean to. Is that normal, or should I just forget it?
  15. Okay, what do you think I should do?
  16. Okay, um...
  17. Bye.

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