second best ninjago quiz

There are lots of fans of Ninjago in this world,but only so many know the secrets.In the world of Ninjago, there are five ninja named Cole,Jay,Kai,Zane, and Lloyd.

Do you the secrets?Do you know the basics?Do you have the skill of spying on them(a.k.a.watching the T.V. series)? Only you and time will tell.Good luck!

Created by: Cassandra Baradi
  1. Which ninja is red?
  2. Who does Zane like?
  3. Whose dad was a royal blacksmith?
  4. Whose dad owned a juckyard?
  5. Who is Nya's brother?
  6. Who liked Nya first?
  7. Do you think I know a lot about Ninjago?
  8. Do you think I'm a boy or girl?
  9. Who made Zane?
  10. Who made Pixal?

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