Jasper Scavenger Hunt Thingy

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Welcome to the last leg in this journey! Please ignore the random bits of text, I just had to fill a character count to be able to publish the quiz. Enjoy!

You'll need to get at least 9/10 right to be able to get your actual Christmas card. So I hope you paid attention :) This whole scavenger thing probably didn't go as smoothly as planned but I hope that it was fun :)

Created by: Phoenix
  1. Which area was the craigslist forum located at?
  2. Which animal was NOT featured at any point in this game?
  3. What is the best card in the deck?
  4. What shape was clownfoundhappiness' profile picture?
  5. What was the name of the blog in the PG tips comments section?
  6. What does Johnny Vegas put in his mug?
  7. What is the first line in the horses poem?
  8. What is Alex's middle name?
  9. What image was on the twitter banner for the reply account?
  10. Flip the coin and decide your fate

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