SAT Chemistry 800

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A brief quiz about chemistry designed to help you prepare for the SAT Achievement Test. Give it a try and see how you do! Good luck - luck always helps.

A brief quiz about chemistry designed to help you prepare for the SAT Achievement Test. Give it a try and see how you do! Good luck - luck always helps.

Created by: walt of
(your link here more info)
  1. A salt is:
  2. An acid + a base gives:
  3. Combustion of a hydrocarbon yields:
  4. A limiting reactant is the reactant that:
  5. Au is the symbol for:
  6. The equation E=hf was proposed by:
  7. He and Ne are:
  8. Redox reactions involve:
  9. Silicon is a:
  10. The diatomic elements include:

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