Rhetorical Terms

Are you a rhetorical terms master? Do you want to impress every one with how smart you are? Now is your chance. This the opportunity of a life time. This is an Exemplary study guide.

Do you know your rhetorical terms and want to show off how smart you are? Now is time. This quiz will really determine if you are a rhetorical terms master.

Created by: Dan
  1. Synecdoche is...
  2. An example of Metonymy is.
  3. A Malapropism is ..
  4. What is an example of imagery?
  5. An Example of Chaimus is.
  6. What is Anacoluthon?
  7. An example of Polysyndeton.
  8. Anaphora is
  9. Syllogism is
  10. Establishes a clear, contrasting relationship between two ideas by joining them together or juxtaposing them, often in parallel structure. Is an.

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