Rationalist or Empiricist?

There are many ways people look at knowledge, and many ways people define it. A key question of epistemology in philosophy is where knowledge comes from. The two principle answers are reason and experience.

So, what do you think? This quiz will attempt to help you answer that. Depending on the choices you make, you'll either be categorized as a rationalist, which corresponds to reason, or an empiricist, which corresponds to experience. The third option is you are neither or both a rationalist and empiricist.

Created by: Leighton of Philosophy
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is knowledge?
  2. Are animals considered lesser because they aren't self-aware, or because they can't use reason?
  3. If stranded on an island, would you partner with a scientist or pro survivor?
  4. Is math the most reliable subject of knowledge?
  5. Do you trust your senses as a source of information?
  6. Do you possess any inherent knowledge--perhaps emotional--that you can't prove?
  7. Do you trust logic or personal experience more?
  8. Is science a subject of facts or trial and error?
  9. When do you learn?
  10. When making a decision, do you list pros and cons or do you trust your gut?

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