Quiz of Happiness

Some peoples have the the most glorious lives anyone could live, and others live in misery. But what makes a happy life? A happy life could be sleep, Friends, or something so simple as a smile on your face.

Are you really happy? Does your life excite you enough to make you think you're the happiest person in the world? Take this cool quiz to learn just how happy your life truly is.

Created by: Preston
  1. You usually have...
  2. When you show up for school or work, you...
  3. When you see your friends...
  4. When you pick up a book...
  5. When you listen to music...
  6. When you go to bed...
  7. When you feel happy...
  8. You spend the most time...
  9. When you do your homework...
  10. Everyone you meet...
  11. You would like...
  12. To you, fridays...
  13. To you, the time 2:00am, means...

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