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Joined on Aug 22, 2013
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xxxINFINITYxxx's Recent Posts

  • Dragon soap?
    "Saphire looked at Ryan. "They already know ur late." She rolled her eyes. "Im going to help you guys get Kara back.""
  • Dragon soap?
    ""Idk." Saphire replyied "Do you really think Gordon can sneak past them?" Ryan walked around searching for the dragons he had"
  • Dragon soap?
    "Saphire thought for a second. "Hmm Yea we need a plan? any ideas?""
  • Dragon soap?
    "(Oh interesting :O)"
  • Dragon soap?
    ""Relax. They won't hurt her not yet anyway. I dont know where Ryan is tho. But if they do have him they won't hurt him. He is only a boy.""
  • Dragon soap?
    ""With them.""
  • Dragon soap?
    "Saphire swung around to her dad. "I have a better idea. Attacking them now isnt a good idea." She continued explaing to her dad the plan. He..."
  • Dragon soap?
    "Saphire felt pain in her heart. Then closed her eyes. She knew what she had to do. She knew it would be risky. She leaned into Zella closely..."
  • Dragon soap?
    "Saphire looked at the dragon feeling bad. "U sure about that?""
  • Dragon soap?
    "Saphire eyed Zella. "I didn't doo anything!!" She snapped "I told you this would happen if she came!""
  • Dragon soap?
    ""Idk where Ryan is!! and Kara well. It doesn't matter" Saphire said. Saphires father came out. He was confused. "Who is the Kara and Ryan yo..."
  • Dragon soap?
    "Saphire looked at the other dragon that accused her of lying. "And who are you? And where is who Gordon?""
  • Dragon soap?
    "Saphire eyed the dragon. "I told the thing to go home. But she didn't. Blood on your hands remember.""
  • Dragon soap?
    "Saphire began to lead the group to where she left Zella and Gordon. Saphires Father stopped her."Wait." He smiled. "I forgot somthing." He t..."
  • Dragon soap?
    "Saphire was now running. She finally arrived to a building. She smiled. Ryan followed her and stopped and watched. "

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