Wrathful Satan's Profile


Wrathful Satan
Joined on Jun 1, 2020
Status Level: Junior

Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
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Wrathful Satan's Quizzes

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Wrathful Satan's Recent Posts

  • Loo Loo Land
    "*he quickly yanks Belpehgor off of the docks, figuring azazel would follow*"
  • Loo Loo Land
    "Leviathan! What the hell!"
  • Loo Loo Land
    "No offense but im pretty sure despair is more negative than Envy"
  • Loo Loo Land
    "Since Fae is the best Exchange student."
  • Loo Loo Land
    "...this is stupid...."
  • Loo Loo Land
    "I am NOT a child."
  • Loo Loo Land
    "...no, leviathan...he's...he's right there."
  • Loo Loo Land
    "*his Satan senses go off and he scowls* Lucifer. I see you have decided to join us how...Nice."
  • Loo Loo Land
  • Loo Loo Land
    "Shut up. This is why I don't spent time with you. So rude."
  • Loo Loo Land
    "I...well, I also go to cafes"
  • Loo Loo Land
    "I'm not a need either. Hmph."
  • Loo Loo Land
    "*flushes darkly* I am not! You read just as much as I do!"
  • Loo Loo Land
    "Come now Leviathan, we are brothers are we not? Why don't you wish to spend time with me."
  • Loo Loo Land
    "You're the demon of envy. Not the demon of gaslighting, knock it off."

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