The_Golden_Boi's Profile

Joined on Mar 28, 2022
Status Level: Newbie
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2-Year Club
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"Yeah. Things are really sucking right now. I just want things to get better."
"(Could you ask the mods to lock this?)"
"I am moving in with Tammy mom. I’ll be happier I hope."
"Bad smiled, snuggling into Skeppy’s grip. “I love you most.” George whimpered again, flinching at Dream’s touch. He whined, twi"
"Gold grinned. “I’ll contact them. I’ll see if they can get here today. Maybe we can figure this out!!” Lemon chuckled. “Such a ..."
"I’m not fine. I love the fact that ur here for me Blizzard. I just need people to understand me and accept me."
"Bad sighed, leaning against Skeppy. He shut his eyes, adjusting his weight. “I think I will, Skeppy. I love you.” Gold chuckled"
"(No, there is a lot of s**t going on at home. I can only be on a couple times each week. I’m sorry) Gold sighed. “I guess.”"
"I was scratched today. I wanna plant a knife on my chest. Or my side."
"Thank you so much, Blizzard. I’m really struggling right now and knowing someone’s here with me and for me helps."
"Gold shrugged. “I’m just nervous. Everything is so confusing right now. I’m so f**king confused.” Lemon whimpered. “Gold, we’ll"
"Bad grunted. “My head kinda hurts. Do you have anything for that, Gold?” Gold shrugged.”Maybe. Lemme check.” Lemon"
"Gold frowned. He didn’t really understand what was going on. He just hoped everything would end well. Lemon smiled. “If you say"
"Bad sighed. “Where did you guys even find blood vines? Weren’t they all destroyed?” Gold shrugged. “Not sure. I found them some"
"Gold frowned. “Oh my god. That - that’s scary. That really happened? That’s scary.” Lemon frowned gently. “This is probably not..."
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