Sillinae's Profile

Joined on Jul 25, 2015
Status Level: Novice

Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
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Sillinae's Quizzes

  • How Well Do You Know Me
    [published: Aug 21, 2015, 1 comment]

    I never really talk a lot on this site, so taking this quiz will be challenging for most people! You can……

Sillinae's Recent Posts

  • Spamano Trash RP
    "I had a drream you where here last night. It was like the ones you had where it was so real and it was at my school and it felt like it was ..."
  • Spamano Trash RP
    "I hope if you do come back you text me because I hate checking here and seeing all this and I can't do it often but at least it makes me hap..."
  • Spamano Trash RP
    "I feel pathetic to keep coming back here and posting bit I feel like s--- all the time lately and it's for so many complicated reasons and I..."
  • Spamano Trash RP
    "There was a really bad storm last night and i had to go to my parent's room and i did really badly at my coffeehouse performance and the jud..."
  • Spamano Trash RP
    "I miss you so much if you ever see this you're probably going to think I'm so pathetic I'm sorry"
  • Spamano Trash RP
    "I feel bad because I know I responded badly yesterday but I'll be waiting and I'll miss you really bad but I'm glad you're doing what is bes..."
  • Spamano Trash RP
    "i ffel sick i nneed you i nneed you butt i'll wait i'll wait because thhat's all i can do i love you so oso much ii nneed you to ocme back"
  • Spamano Trash RP
    "I reaally hope you come bback I nnned you I need you immsorry I ccant breayhe I jjust nned to know I'll talk to you ayain"
  • Spamano Trash RP
    "It hurts it's hurts and I know it's pathetic because it hasn't even been a day but it's hurts so bad I don't know what to do I just wish I c..."
  • Spamano Trash RP
    "Yyou ppromised yyou wouulld comme bbavk iijust hhaveto bbelieve youbut ithurtts bbecause I ddont ththinj youure coming back"
  • Spamano Trash RP
    "Evverything hhurts ii jjjust want you too comme bacj"
  • Spamano Trash RP
    "Ii textedd youu annd your momm annswe3d immsorry"
  • Spamano Trash RP
    "Ii ddoont thinkk yourr commign back"
  • Spamano Trash RP
    "I llove you sso mcuh jjust be okay"
  • Spamano Trash RP
    "Imm ssory I hope you cime bback"

Sillinae's Recent Quiz Comments

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