Shadowmere's Profile


Joined on Jul 18, 2015
Status Level: Advanced

Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
100 Quiz
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Shadowmere's Quizzes

Shadowmere's Recent Posts

  • You know what
    "Yeah I'll let fate take the wheel to decide if I'm worthy enough lol"
  • You know what
    "Yeah maybe I should come back more often - Bold of you to assume I have stopped playing it"
  • You know what
    "Ehh I just come and go every so often to see what everyone is up to so not rlly much to be remembered by ig lmaoo"
  • You know what
    "I knew someone named Logan but it doesn't sound as "socks and sandals""
  • You know what
    "I sneezed and figured u were talking trash about me"
  • You know what
    "I've never met a Billy in my life - Bro I'm here for not even 10 minutes and catch a yuck I'm going on hiatus again I'm getting "
  • You know what
  • Heyy
    "Bruh I spelled it wrong I'm leaving see y'all in a month and a half"
  • Heyy
    "The Meidorator"
  • Heyy
    "Ik that a moderator tag appears under your posts"
  • Heyy
    "Not Mei telling lies on the clock uh oh Yeah? How's the air up there? h e h"
  • Heyy
    "Besides I can be like 7'3 depending on what I'm standing on when I tell you smh"
  • Heyy
    "Shhhh guys delete that you're not supposed to make it public >:("
  • Heyy
    "And u thought u could defeat me in a thumb war 😎 Bread you gotta like squat an inch I can't make fun of you if you aren't short"
  • Heyy
    "Ur like #2 pencil"

Shadowmere's Recent Quiz Comments
