The Kings Shoutouts

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This is Just a random thing for the things called shootouts or whatever to the ones I speak to. I am more human than human and a taco on the inside. Good.

This is Just a random thing for the things called shootouts or whatever to the ones I speak to. I am more human than human and a taco on the inside. Good.. Yeah, be good.

Created by: Rex
  1. First one is to; Sademogirl. You have a good personality, ai. Seem nice, and good to talk to ya, no.
  2. Second goes to Cookiechan [^-^]) you seem nice as well, y'know. You're a good cookie XD good to know ya, yah.
  3. Next is to Kalafina. A good friend ai. Good person to talk to. Seem helpful which is good.
  4. Next is to Lucy Anytime. Spoke to you in the soap doing. Seem to be a good person overall. Nice to soap woth you too.
  5. This Is to therealminime. Seem to a God guy. Seem nice to talk to. I'm repetitive here.
  6. Numer 8 is to dark22978, hopefully I got the numbers correct. If not, kill me. You're a good cat. Seem helpful and the likes. I'm not good at thinking of nwgatives for people so yah.
  7. 9 is to IAmJosh.
  8. 10 is myself! XD
  9. Who's left? I'll just list some off. Drew, dh, el_taco, caramelbrownies, and all other people I talk to.
  10. That's all folks

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