PridefulLucifer's Profile


Joined on Jun 3, 2020
Status Level: Newbie

Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
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PridefulLucifer's Recent Posts

  • House of Lamentation
    "*he glares for a moment at Mammon and carefully takes off his cloak using magic to hold it in place and he slowly walks over towards Mammon ..."
  • House of Lamentation
    "*gives Mammon a glare that would scare a seasoned war veteran and sighs angrily* Mammon. I would rather you be back to normal than how you a..."
  • House of Lamentation
    "*he's trying to keep his calm,but soon his aura starts slipping through* Mammon threaten me like that again an I will not hold back. Politel..."
  • House of Lamentation
    "*sighs and starts to move to go after Mammon because this is tiresome now with the additive of the poppies from Belphie* Mammon get back her..."
  • House of Lamentation
    "MAMMON. *his voice sounds calm and stern as his aura pools out of him* I said calm down it will be alright once you are take the cure."
  • House of Lamentation
    "Mammon we have little time to explain, but something has infected a few of us and we need to clear it out of your system. *glances at Ian* w..."
  • House of Lamentation
    "*glances back at Bephegor and sighs* No we have to focus on finding Mammon and...*hears his phone going off more and starts to rush forward*..."
  • House of Lamentation
    "*frowns a bit* he seems to be near the edge of town at the moment. Hopefully he's not trying to swindle some poor...*pauses and coughs* well..."
  • House of Lamentation
    "Ah yes...I believe that is a solid plan. *glances back at Ellis's room with a look of worry for a second before he covers it with his normal..."
  • House of Lamentation
    "*looks slightly confused at being hugged by Zel, looks at everyone* I was...possessed? *he tries to focus for a moment and curses under his ..."
  • House of Lamentation
    "*frowns in disappointment for a moment those usually calm eyes flicker with an unknown color* damn it a slip of the tongue is what gave me a..."
  • House of Lamentation
    "*pauses in his walk towards Ellis's room and glances back with an odd smile on his face* Now now. You all are children in a sense...I mean h..."
  • House of Lamentation
    "*he sits there unamused for a moment* are you both finished? *he starts to stand up and dusts himself off for a moment* Ellis's memories wer..."
  • House of Lamentation
    "Beel I believe she needs more of just a soft sorry. Ellis: *glares at Lucifer and already feels embarrassed enough pushing her"
  • House of Lamentation
    "*nods at Beel glad he has calmed down and gently pats his head* we have much more food you can eat to make up for the lost food. Marrow is e..."

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