Nixiara's Profile


Joined on May 30, 2021
Status Level: Novice

Level-up Progress:
3-Year Club
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Nixiara's Quizzes

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Nixiara's Recent Posts

  • Silridge
    "I also have something to declare! Tech oinks in his sleep like a piglet"
  • The Gods Call
    "Forgot the bartender again GHAJ) the man narrowed his eyes at the halfing "hand how do I know your not going to ditch the secon"
  • Spice
    "Fun fact Tech is soft for farm animals"
  • The Gods Call
    "Tech made a quiet chuffing sound "fine, I guess that works" he said, sitting down. He then paused, noticing the fluff ball the newer halflin..."
  • Silridge
    "Of course!why would i?"
  • Silridge
    "To turn into grenades!"
  • Silridge
    "I want rubber ducks"
  • Silridge
    "Sure you can meet My Champion"
  • Silridge
    "Ok but I don't wants souls right now."
  • Silridge
    "I'm not particularly in the mood for souls right now, Tech just got me some fresh ones.... Yes yes my moth friend i know"
  • Silridge
    "OwO? Someone wants to trade?"
  • Silridge
    "Perhaps ~"
  • Silridge
    "Its not illegal if you don't get caught"
  • Silridge
    "Pfft good to know Tech isn't the only dumb--- pig"
  • Silridge
    "He is cat like, yeah"

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