Neversaynever15's Profile


Joined on Jul 19, 2016
Status Level: Novice

Level-up Progress:
8-Year Club
100 Quiz
Top 40 Quiz
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Neversaynever15's Quizzes

Neversaynever15's Recent Posts

  • School
    ""Guess so." (BTW the Quiz I made wasn't my first quiz. I made 2 before.)"
  • School
    "Never mind... message me when your on!"
  • School
  • School
  • Kimberly
  • School
    "(Hi! I was just eating dinner. I had sausages!)"
  • School
    ""Nope" replied Raily."
  • School
    "OK. See YOU!"
  • School
    ""Can we have popcorn?" Asked Raily."
  • School
  • Kimberly
    "What The?"
  • Kimberly
    "So thanks! I really appreciate it. The guys in my class keep on saying I'm stupid, weird, ugly and I cry all day so thanks for making me Lau..."
  • Kimberly
    "Why break up with the love of your life because your in different schools? I don't get it. And thanks for calling me a sucker. I'm actually ..."
  • School
    "(Don't judge me. I laugh too much. Once I had asthma attack from laughing for 15 minutes.)"
  • School
    "(OK? When you said that I started laughing my head off and I did funny faces in the mirror.)"

Neversaynever15's Recent Quiz Comments
