Luxio's Profile


Joined on Jul 22, 2020
Status Level: Junior

Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
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Luxio's Quizzes

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Luxio's Recent Posts

  • ""
  • "Primary username: Luxio Full character name: Luxio Full name of media character is from: Pokemon"
  • Alts
  • Losing Hope and Sleep
    "aww, luxio"
  • "Name: Nimbus Age: ??? Gender: Male Element: Wind Appearance: light grey and white feathers with huge swirling wings "
  • Clefable
  • "Good bye Cham. I understand why you're leaving, I hope it helps :)"
  • MoixMe Roleplay
    ""And for our kits," he whispered. He wasn't the only one noticing Crescentshine's increasingly large belly. He stroked his tail alongside he..."
  • MoixMe Roleplay
    "(Forgot I had this account lol) It had been two moons since Flareglow had disappeared, and Crescentshine had fallen into a seem"
  • All my Alts
  • Abandon Ship
    "Kylee shuddered as a chilly breeze blew her hair into her face. She shook her head, attempting to get it away, but the wind continued swirli..."
  • Drekk's thread.
    "luxio o lux! (i hope all of you have a great day!)"
  • "luuux...iooo...? (i'd like to take all of you! you all are so kind and special. will you go with me?)"
  • Spice Rack 2
    "luxio lux lux! (you are a great friend and so nice! you should only reveal your voice if you feel completely comfortable with it!)"
  • "luuux lux (chameleonleap!)"

Luxio's Recent Quiz Comments
