Lord Heph's Profile


Lord Heph
Joined on Jun 6, 2014
Status Level: Advanced

Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
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Lord Heph's Quizzes

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Lord Heph's Recent Posts

  • "I wish people would start calling us a cult instead of a clique smh I'm tired of my role as your false god not being acknowledged."
  • A note.
    "Probably me, though that wasn't why. I was worried about you leaving lilis discord server and wanted to still be friends with you. I "
  • "I love u"
  • A note.
    "That's a great opinion but also kind of rude for you to say, Nitro. Fae just finished saying Raiden didn't apologize sincerely for xyr behav..."
  • "no one asked your opinion on my humor. also you never post, where did you come from, just to give me your unsolicited opinion on my j"
  • announcement
    "sorry women my opinion matters more"
  • "yeah surprise guys I'm afab and nonbinary and was using this as a way to joke w my friends because I'm trans and afab and can make these jok..."
  • "Damn aight take me away Can't believe I'm getting his abuse as a cis man :( The patriarchy isn't real"
  • "So, I hate the concept of women. I don't hate women, or people who identify as women. They're not the problem, it's just, being a woman? Lik..."
  • Loo Loo Land
    "Hey! Look, it's less cool me"
  • "Fate is my bestest best friend and I love star so much, xey are my sibling and totally not the person typing this because wisp figured out t..."
  • Loo Loo Land
    "I wanted to post penis with the mod box"
  • Loo Loo Land
  • Heph's thread
  • michael
    "Geek, no offense, but w h a t are you doing."

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