Kitty6724's Profile

Joined on Aug 23, 2012
Status Level: Novice
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Kitty6724's Quizzes
- Are you a good girlfriend?[published: Aug 23, 2012, 4 comments]
There are many people with boyfriends in the world, but only a few are true ~*~good~*~ girlfriends.……
- Do you know Justin Biebers songs?[published: Aug 23, 2012, 1 comment]
Justin Bieber is a male singer who has a rather large loyal fanbase. His songs, in my opinion,……
Kitty6724's Recent Posts
"That's why there's a difference between directioners and directionators. Directioners don't pick favorites and least favorites out of the ba..."
"Never Say Never- Justin Bieber."
"Are you in high school already? Aww, I'm still in Year 6, which is primary school where I live."
"Hi BTRfreak! I'm Kitty. And of course you can play! For truth: Have you ever peed your pants in public?"
"I haven't been on (the forums) long enough to know anybody. So I don't have a crush on here."
"I attend a Catholic school, and our motto is: "Love one another as I loved you." I do love all of my friends, my kitten and my mum, but that..."
"Sure! You start. And I pick Truth."
"I'm going to a buffet soon. How about you?"
"Purple and hot pink."
Kitty6724's Recent Quiz Comments
"First of all, you might want to work on your spelling. Typing the quiz on Word Document might work.
Secondly, the results are…"