George_HD's Profile

Joined on May 7, 2022
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
2-Year Club
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George_HD's Recent Posts
"Oh. Well, sucks to be you, then."
"I'm sorry?"
"Hmm, okay...."
"Hmm, yes. Anyways, why do you care? Why does my name matter?"
"*nods thanks to the bartender* George HD. You can calle HD"
"Hmm, tea? Preferably green, or hibiscus..."
"Hmm, perhaps. What do you have?"
"Oh, do you? Hmm, fun. I control a world with 2 other gods and several smaller deities or demigods. The there is "
"Hmm, okay. A multiverse? So X wasn't lying... There are other worlds. Well, then again, Onyx, Blue, the Watchers.... He wasn't"
"There's a god of snakes? I thought I held the role of the nature god and god of all living life. Of the overworld at least. And what kind of..."
"Gods huh? What are you the god of then?"
"How many times a day do I go insane?"
"Mmm I'm bored."
"It's fine. Es aburrido.... It's boring...."
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