Forgotten Entity's Profile


Forgotten Entity
Joined on May 26, 2020
Status Level: Advanced

Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
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Forgotten Entity's Quizzes

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Forgotten Entity's Recent Posts

  • I Don't Dance
    "Fae Farm is too cute."
  • I Don't Dance
  • I Don't Dance
    "Oh well... I guess I should call so see what vacations they cover..."
  • I Don't Dance
    "I'm so excited to go in vacation!"
  • Sakura No Hato
    "Wish I could be a battle Mercy. I can be a battle Lucio, and a battle Kiriko, but no battle Mercy."
  • Sakura No Hato
    "Going to test Baptiste..."
  • Sakura No Hato
    "I'm so excited. Brandan finally got a new phone. Now we'll be able to video call more than once a month when he's charged his phone for a wh..."
  • Sakura No Hato
    "At this point, nobody even cares."
  • Sakura No Hato
    "I'm going to take my yuckies a bit early, today."
  • Sakura No Hato
    "Find Your Flame hits so hard."
  • Sakura No Hato
    "Can't believe my baby used to be a headbanger. 😍"
  • Sakura No Hato
    "Worms head banging."
  • Sakura No Hato
    "15 months ago, I spilled my guts to this man, and he asked me to be in his life. Not sure who was crazier in confessing but boy, am I lucky ..."
  • Sakura No Hato
  • Sakura No Hato
    "Finally watched the Super Mario Bros. Movie. 🖤"

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