Corrin17's Profile

Joined on Jan 9, 2025
Status Level: Newbie
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Corrin17's Recent Posts
"No. I don't want this."
"I don't like post timers."
"Guys, my brain has an ouchie."
"I got big stressed, guys."
"I feel just a little better now."
"Okay, I've cooled off. I was upset for a minute."
"I'm feeling a switch, but I don't want it. Things are better like this."
"Go away, depressing thoughts about my future."
"I'm really not trying to ponder life, though."
"It's going to be okay. I just want to be a decent parent one day."
"You know what? I'll make sure my kids have therapy even if they're not struggling. Everyone could use therapy."
"This is actually taking forever. Just one more though."
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