Pretty Flowers in the dust; Part 7 | Comments

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  • Thanks so much xxblutixx! I would love to see it! And feel free to post it wherever you please! I'm sure it looks great nonetheless!

    Actually, I'm working on the story right now, and decided to name it "Little Secrets" since I couldn't think of anything else. x) It's on Quotev. com and in the description it states being originally named "Magic and Boys." Though, I'm only two chapters into it. I also added more details as well, and a name to the main character.

    About part 8, I'm close to being done, but I've been stuck on it for the past week maybe. I begin to write it then I lose my interest. I'll try to have it out soon! Thanks again!(:

  • This was a long chapter/part, but I loved it ^.^ Really sorry that I haven't been able to keep up on time with reading these though :c I hereby dedicate myself to checking more often (and writing more often as well).

    Anyway, I have so many questions! There are so many things going on, and so little to be sure of, and I just want to know what's going on! The buildup is killing me, but I know it's all part of the process and what makes this a compelling story XP Also, I like how Alex, Max, and Fang are being mentioned more :3 I missed them.

    About your new characters though - their designs sound so intriguing (especially the Nyxuses [nyxi? nyxusi?]). I actually was doodling in class a while ago and ended up drawing April. Today, I was a bit stressed at my homework, so I took a drawing break to digitalize that drawing, and ended up spending 2.5h to finish it :P I have it if you'd like to see (as a forewarning, it's not amazing, just a little something), and if you'll let me, I'd like to post it to my deviantArt page (citing it as your character, of course)

    Hm, a name? I'm really bad at names. Maybe something about vampire queens? o.o I really don't know, sorry >.< It would be excellent if you fashioned a fully fledged story out of this series though ^.^ I'd definitely read it.

    Anywho, I've rambled enough - hope to see part 8 out soon :)

  • So, uh. .-. I'm thinking about writing an actual story for this series. But I want to rename the "Magic and Boys" one. Magic and Boys just sounds so.. Obvious. .-. Anyone willing to give me any ideas?


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