Pretty Flowers in the dust; Part 7

Quiz Image

Hello readers! So, if you're wondering, the person in the picture is how I picture Maeve. I hope you enjoy this quiz! I tried to include more in it...

Buuut, I really hope there's at least SOMEONE is reading these, otherwise I'm going to feel EXTREMELY stupid.. Comment, rate, the usual.. But, the most important is ENJOY.(; P.S- I finally know where I'm going with this series.(:

Created by: fireprincess1996
  1. You are aware of the darkness that surrounds you, and you were content in it. You were unable to sense if your eyes were open or closed, but exhaustion was sitting quietly on your body, making it hard to move or open your eyes. You felt a pain in your head, and it matched your heartbeat. You slowly become aware of the feeling of soft textures around your body, and the pressure in your bones from being in the same position for hours. Somewhere far off in the darkness, you begin to here this banging noise, and it was consistent, growing louder and pulling you out of the darkness. After so many minutes of listening to it, you jolted up, sweat soaking your chest, forehead, and lower back. You were lying on your stomach, wearing the same dress as last night. Last night, right, you begin to remember everything. The banging kept going on, like an annoying alarm clock and you slowly began to sit up. You wipe your eyes, and smeared makeup came off on your hands. Did you really get drunk off faery wine? You try to remember every detail from last night, but with your aching head and the continuous bang of someone knocking on the door, you were beginning to get frustrated and you were unable to think. You get up too quick, and your vision splotches for a second or too and you put a hand on the wall before continuing. You turn the handle, before realizing that your door was locked and you quickly unlock it and throw it open. "What?" You ask in an annoyed tone. "___________-," Alex starts, before making a face at you. "What is that on your chin?" He asks and your hand flies up to touch the rough surface of whatever was covering your skin. "What color is it?" You ask, in complete confusion. "Purple," He says and you suddenly remember the white fruit. You look down at your outfit, realizing that you're still in the dress from last night and your hair is no doubt tangled in every which way. You notice Alex has gotten really quiet and you glance back up at him. "__________," He says your name again, in a low tone. You notice he isn't looking at you, but rather off to the right of your face, slightly down. "What the hell is that?" You glance down at what he was looking at and dread fills your body. You take notice of the wound on your shoulder. The scabbing was peeling away into scar tissue and it wasn't as red as it used to be. "Janise bit me," You say, softly and he gives you a hard stare. "What you mean last year? How come we were never told? How come you never bothered to tell us?" You could tell he was just as angry as he was hurt. "Look, I'm sorry. Can we talk about this later?" You say, not fully awake yet. You had a hangover from hell, and you felt sick. "No, we can't." He argues, his voice raising. "It's almost three in the afternoon and what are you doing? You're sleeping! What happened last night?" You hear Maeve grumble something from Renee's bed and you don't say anything. "Alex, I really can't talk right now," You say and he shakes his head. "How many times are you going to lie to us, _________? How many times are you going to hide things? I know what happens when you get bit by a vampire, like that. Don't expect me to cover for you when Raven finds out anything else that you've been hiding from us." He says and stalks off without even letting you reply. You shut the door, and retreat back to your bed. You sit down, and cradle your head in your hands. Your body was shaking, and a wave of nausea rocketed through your body and you sprung up and to the bathroom to get rid of it. "Woah," You hear Maeve say tiredly. "Have too much to drink last night?" she asks, though she already knows the answer. You glare up at her, and you rest your face in your hands. "I hate you so much right now," You say, though it was muffled. Why did everything bad keep happening? You wait for another minute or so before getting up and attempting to look in the mirror. You cringe at your face. You have dried up purple juice covering your chin in thin flakey streaks, the underneath of your eyes are sunk back and are the color of a bruise. Your hair is sticking up and your eyes look dull.
  2. You felt guilty, way beyond it. You knew you should go talk to Alex, try to make it up to him. "Could you get out of the bathroom?" You ask her, softly. She does as you ask and you take a long, hot shower. You think of what you are going to say to Alex, if Raven know's yet. You wonder if you should tell him about last night. You owe it to him, to tell him the truth. Only if he asks though. You feel ashamed. You change into a pair of sweats and a loose t-shirt and you pull your wet hair up. You don't bother with makeup. You pull on some comfortable shoes and Maeve gives you a questioning look. "Where are you going?" She asks. You get into your nightstand and take two IB Profin and you use the sink for water. "I'm going to explain myself." "To whom?" "Whoever needs it." She gives you a look of surprise. "You can't tell them you were on Unseelie land, they'll throw you out, they'll throw me out!" She exclaims and you give her a sharp glare. "Maybe you should have thought of that BEFORE you dragged me there and got me drunk. Besides, with what I found out there, Raven will probably be pleased with me." You say, and stalk off in the same way Alex did. 'How dare her?' you think to yourself, as you begin to walk to Alex's room. 'She doesn't know them like I do. She doesn't understand the pressure of trying to keep everyone happy with you, trying to figure out who to fight for.' You were so caught up with your thoughts, that you almost passed Alex's room. You knock on the door, unsure if he was even in his room. He must be, because it was usually the place he went when he was angry, or overwhelmed. His door flew open and his face turned to curious, to disappointed as soon as he saw it was you. "What do you want?" He spit out. Though he was trying to sound angry, you could tell he wasn't. He was just upset, and you felt it too. It was the kind of upset that made your chest feel empty, and you couldn't explain why you were sad, or how to even talk about it. "I-," You pause, trying to figure out the words to say. "I want to talk to you and Raven, alone." You say, and he sighs. "I don't know, __________. I'm pretty busy at the moment." He says and you give him a look that says, 'Bullcocka.' "Drop the crap, Alex. You want me to be truthful with you? Well, this is your one chance." You say, and you start to walk in the direction your just came from, when he quickly catches up to you. You both walk in silence, not bothering you talk at all. You are afraid that if you were to talk now, you would spill everything out before you even got to Raven's 'office.' You two walk through the doors, and you don't see Raven. "Raven?" You call out, and you hear a muffled, "In here," come from another room. You look at Alex and he shrugs. You notice his blonde hair is longer than you remember, and that it was almost down to his shoulders. You wonder if he preferred it that way. You both go through a door and you see Raven sitting in an arm chair, reading some book. It had no cover, only a leather case. "What are you two doing here?" She asks and you begin to panic. "Have a seat," she says gesturing to the couch off to her right. You both sit down and you open your mouth. "There's some things I've been keeping from you guys, some things that I think you should know." She gives you a look of surprise, which is rare for Raven. You start off with the necklace, how you were mind-tricked into wearing it. You than tell them about the bite mark on your shoulder, how it was just now going away. You tell them about last night, how Maeve took you to Unseelie lands to talk to the Unseelie Queen, and what she had told you. Once you're done you take in a deep breath. "I'm sorry," You say, truly sincere. You feel guilty for not having everyone else in here, only Alex, but you push it down. "I should have told you." Raven stays quiet, and even Alex has no idea what to say. "Well," Raven breathes out. "What I need you to do is keep an eye on Maeve. Figure out if she's a spy for the other side, and if she is, you bring her to me, alright?" You nod, feeling a lump in your throat. Was Maeve part of the other side? Wouldn't that figure out how she knew Colette? Or did all Nyxus' know each other? You and Alex stand up, and it feels as if some of the weight on your shoulders has been lifted. As you both were about to head out, you hear Raven call your name. You turn back to her, and give her a questioning look. Was she going to put on some sort suspension or something? "Don't let this happen again. I'm suggesting it won't?" You nod. "It won't," You promise.
  3. Alex is silent beside you, and you take long strides to keep up with him. You take this time to think about things. Your mind wonders to last night, and what you mostly remember. Questions begin to form in your mind; Why had you been so drawn to the fruit? Was that a normal thing? Or was it the faery wine? How does Maeve know the faeries of the Unseelie court? Was she part of it? Was she a spy for the other team? You inwardly roll your eyes at yourself. "The other team", you say it as if you all were playing football. You are so distracted by your thoughts that you almost run into Alex. "Sorry," You say, trying not to laugh. "It's fine," he barely cracks a smile. You two just sort of stand there awkwardly, not saying anything at all. "So, can we talk? Just the two of us?" You nod, "Of course." A surge of panic and curiosity runs through you and you quickly follow him once again. Your mind goes through another set of questions; Is this talk going to be good or bad? Will this talk result in a fight? Will this fight result in understanding? Why were you wondering so many things? What was going to happen if something else happens with you and Maeve? You set those questions aside as Alex leads you into his room, and you sit comfortably on his bed. "Talk away," you say, eager to hear what he has to say. He nods, plopping down beside you. "I know we've been clawing at each other's throats lately, and I'm sorry about that. You just need to understand why I'm so protective about you.." He trails off, and it seems as if he's thinking about what to say next. You weren't sure if you like where this is going, but you figure it's a good start for you two. "It's just, we were the ones who took you in and protected you at the beginning of this all, Max, Fang and I. I guess the feeling just never wore off of me. We still have to protect you, even now, __________. This war, whatever it is, it isn't over. You play a big part in this, and people are going to come around looking for you. Now, I'm not saying you can't protect yourself, but there are things in our world that could take you down in seconds with the right tools and powers." He pauses to take a breath. You think about what he says, and open your mouth to talk before he can. "Alex, it's okay that you're protective, but sometimes you take it too far. Do you think you can just take it down a smidge?" You ask, and he bites his lip. "I can try, for you. It's not easy, ________. You'll come to understand what I mean by that. I know what it's like to grow up with good and evil on opposite sides, and being forced to pick a side, even after you think the storm is over. The thing is, it's never over. You're always going to be in a constant battle between the two. It just becomes easier." You nod, getting most of what he was saying. "Can I ask you something?" You say and he nods. "Of course," He says and you mess with your fingers. "Does it ever begin to make sense?" He laughs and you feel embarrassed for your childish question. "With time, I think everything becomes easier. You just have to get used to it." You nod, and start to stare off, thinking of something else to say, or whether you should change the topic. You notice movement in Alex's bathroom and it grabs your attention. Slowly, April comes into view, and she's peaking at you two. You suddenly remember the day you got a concussion. "You know," You start off, turning your attention back to Alex. He looks at you with his curious green eyes. "I never quite thanked you for that day when I got a concussion.. So, thank you." You say and a small smile appears on his lips. He shakes his head. "You're a bit late on that one woman," He says, making you laugh a bit. "I know, I know. I'm sorry," You reply and suddenly you're engulfed in a hug. Despite his cold temperature, his hug was quite comforting. You felt as if it had been forever since you and Alex had hugged. You hug him back, tighter than ever, and close your eyes. Sometimes, when things got too difficult for you, you imagine you're back to those first weeks when the guys kidnapped you. You reply those memories now, and they made your stomach flutter with happiness, and your chest sink with sadness. "I miss how it used to be," You mutter softly, but you know he undoubtedly hears you. You hear him draw in a breath, and let it out as a sigh. "I know, me too." He confesses.
  4. When you arrive to your room, Maeve is sitting there, messing around with the T.V. and April is sitting on your bed. "Who's the kid?" Maeve asks and you give her a look of surprise. "You can see her too?" She gives you a look like you're crazy. "Of course I can," She tells you. "All Nyxus' can see spirits." "What all CAN you guys do?" You ask, wondering what else you didn't know. Maeve ponders on this. "Well," She starts off. "We're basically like elementals, as you already know. We can mind-trick, take control of our element. We're usually not tied down to anyone-," You interrupt her by saying, "But, Colette, she works for the cloaked woman-," She gives you a look that shuts you up quickly. "Colette is getting something in return. Besides, as I was saying, we aren't tied down, so we travel around. There aren't very many of us left, so we try to go unseen by the wrong things. We can also interact with spirits of the world." You nod. "Do you all have Greek names?" You ask and she nods. "The majority of us, we have Greek heritage." "Is that all?" She nods, "For now." Her eyes seem paler today, as if some of the deep, rich blue has been drained from them. They seem more silver today. You turn to April, and she has a "finally" expression on her face. "Where were you last night? I was looking everywhere for you!" You give her a sorry look. You think of a good excuse, than figure it's no use. "We were on Unseelie land." You tell her and she looks at you in confusion. "You've never heard of Unseelie land?" You ask, astonished. It seems as if she knows about everything else! She shakes her head, and you almost laugh. You hold down your bubble of laughter, while else Maeve is sitting there, a huge smirk on her face. She has a sudden interest in your guys' conversation. "You've heard of faeries right?" You ask and she gives you a "duh" look. "Uh, duh? Who hasn't?!" She says and you smile. "Okay, smart-alek." You say. "The fey is divided into two, um," You aren't sure how to say it. "Two what?" April asks impatiently. "Two courts. Unseelie and Seelie. The Seelie is considered the good or "bright" court, and the Unseelie is considered the bad or the "night" court." Maeve explains for you. April nods, with an "oh." as an answer. You nod. "So, where have you been since you woke up? It's been like an hour or something like that?" Maeve asks. "I've been with Raven and Alex," You explain. "You in trouble?" April asks and you shake your head. "No, I don't think I am anyways." Were you in trouble? You shake the thought away. Surely you weren't. "I'm actually about to leave again," You tell her. "Where of to now?" Maeve asks, throwing her hands up dramatically in the air. You frown at her. "Are you trying to act more like us?" You ask. You notice she wasn't acting like that at all last night, when she was around the faeries. She frowns right back at you. "I am acting like me," She says simply and you shake your head. "Ookay," You say, letting it go. "Whatever you say." She gives you a look that screams 'shut up' and you crack a smile. "I'm going to see Nakia and Renee." You wait for her response. "You know you can come, right? You don't have to stay in here and pretend to watch T.V." She jumps right up and you nod. "Thought so," You ask and you three walk out of the room, only two of you noticeable. "Have I met the werewolf yet?" She asks you, trying to make conversation. You shrug. "Probably not. She doesn't exactly concern herself with new people. Not anymore, at least." You mumble the last sentence. The last time she ever concerned herself with someone new, it happened to be you. "What is her name again?" She asks. You have a feeling she will be asking a lot of questions. "Nakia Jae," you say and she nods. You walk for a couple of more seconds before she opens her mouth again. "How many werewolves do you know here?" "Three," You reply simply. "Well, four counting the baby." You correct yourself. "She has a baby? What are their names?" You tell her about Max, Atreyu and Nakia. "Max and Nakia are my best friends, Atreyu's like an older brother to me. There's also the twins, Lilah and Syllabell. They're uh, basically pixies. One is a fire elemental, and the other is water." She gives you an amused look. "Two of the fey living under your roof?" She asks, quite sarcastically. You mimick her look, getting annoyed. "It's not like that," You say and she nods. "Alex, he's a vampire, I haven't really met any other vampire's here yet. Fang, he's a fallen angel, and so is Nix. Basically this is the place where any creature goes when they need a roof over their head, and we provide them with protection, so long as they're on the good side." You explain and she nods. "I know," She says and you give her a look. If she notices you staring at her, she doesn't look back. "And what side are you on?" You ask her and you can see the smirk on her face. "I could ask you the same thing.
  5. Your face becomes red. "What side do you think I'm on?" You ask, curiosity gnawing at your bones. She ponders upon your question, as if she is choosing her words carefully. "I think you're caught between two sides, you're friends on on this side, some might even say your family. But, your own flesh and blood is on the other." She says, not looking at you. You instantly look at her, in complete confusion. "What do you mean my own "flesh and blood is on the other"?" You ask, needing to know now. She doesn't answer you, instead she stops in front of Nakia's door, which has writing literally all over it. "This is the werewolf's room, yes?" She asks and you get this strange feeling. Can you trust Maeve? You wonder this, listening all the reason's why you shouldn't trust her; She's a Nyxus, she know's Colette, she doesn't have a side (So why is she here?), she took you to the Unseelie Court, she let you get drunk off faery wine, she let you eat faery food, and she know's that someone (maybe a member of your family?) was on the other (dark) side. You knock on Nakia's door, before entering. Your heart sinks at what you see. She's sitting in a desk chair, her hand out the window. You follow her arm to her hand and see a cigarette attached in between her pointer finger and her middle finger. All the smoke was going out the window, but nevertheless, you look around for Abel or Renee. "Nakia," You say, with full disappointment. "You promised to stop." She gives you a sorry look, flicking the ashes. She looks past you and see's Maeve. Her sorry look immediately drops and she has a look of annoyance on her face. "I didn't know you owned a pet, _________." she says, looking back at you. You bite your tongue and look over at Maeve. She has an emotionless look on her face and she replies calming, "I think you have been mistaken. The only pet in here is you, dog." 'Oh god.' you think instantly as Nakia jumps up, dropping her cigarette out the window. "You might wanna watch it, pixie girl. Wouldn't wanna ruin that pretty face of yours, now would you?" You know you should say something, so you open your mouth. But, the voice that comes out isn't yours, it's Maeves. "You would do little damage, dog." Nakia takes a step forward, accepting the challenge and you step in between the two. "You promised no fighting either." You remind her and she has a P.O'd look on her face. You feel bad in a way. "Oh, so you're defending her now?" She asks, offended. "Nakia, I'm not defending anyone." You say, wondering what was up with your best friend. As if reading your mind, Maeve speaks up. "She is upset that your fondness for me is growing." You frown, barely looking over your shoulder at her. After a couple of seconds you finally get it. "You're jealous that I'm going to get closer to Maeve?" You ask, a credulous look on your face. She glares back at Maeve before looking at you. "What do you expect? One night she's here and you're out getting drunk with her," she snaps at you. You flinch at her remark, as if it hurt you physically. "It wasn't her fault.." You mumble. It only seems to make Nakia more mad. "See! There you go defending her again!" She shouts, her fists clenching at her sides. You stay silent, not used to being Nakia's target of pent up anger. She let's out a long, slow sigh. "Get it out of my room, and come back later." She tells you quietly. You know what she means by that, and you gesture Maeve out the door. "Just, no more smoking, please?" You ask quietly. You didn't want your friend to die of lung cancer. Could werewolves get that? You were sure of it. She doesn't reply, and once you're opening the door back up, you can hear her start to scream and her skinny fists begin to hit things, and things were thrown and flipped over. You had only witnessed this once before, when Atreyu and Nakia got in an argument about their wedding. You shut the door, and hurry down the hallway. It occurs to you that you never ask where you're little sister was, and that worries you. Panic sweeps through you, and you hurry on your way to the cafeteria. "__________!" You hear Maeve call your name and you turn, waiting for her to catch up. Once she does, you hurry on your way again. "Where are we off to?" She asks and you tell her. "Why?" "I have to find my little sister. Oh, and next time you decide to pick a fight with Nakia and I'm not around, she will try to kill you." You tell her. Maeve has a smug look on her face, and it begins to irritate you.
  6. As you enter the cafeteria, you both earn a lot of stares. You quickly begin to scan tables, searching for her, or any sign of Atreyu. Though, you don't notice Renee at any of the tables, you spot Atreyu with the guys and Zaine. You walk up to them quickly and you slam your hands on the table, harder than you intended. They all give you a suspicious/surprised look. "Do you know where my sister is?" You ask, hoping he says he does. He gives you a confused look. "She told me she was going up to your room to see you." You give him a 'Are-you-kidding-me?' look and you teleport up to your room. Every thing is how you left it, just minutes before and you call out your sister's name. You don't hear an answer, you move to the bathroom and check. Nothing. Your heart beat began to increase and you felt the panic from earlier rise up again. 'This is why she need's a phone,' you think to yourself. 'Okay, okay, think' you add. You begin to pace, thinking about who any of her friends were, or where she could be. You could call Nakia, but that would be a bad idea. You decide to call Sam instead. She answers on the fourth ring. "Hello?" She asks. You have no idea what she's doing, and you have a feeling that you don't want to. "I'm sorry to bother you, but have you seen my sister?" You ask in a rush. There was a silence, like Sam was thinking. "No, why?" She asks and you let out a loud sigh. "Just, nevermind." You tell her and hang up. You wrack your brain, trying to think of anyone else. You decide to call Lilah. You repeat the same question and you get the same answer. You ask her if Syllabell would know and she says the same answer as before. When you hang up the phone, someone bursts through your door. It's Maeve, followed by the Alex, Max and Fang. "What's going on?" Max asks, pulling you into a tight hug immediately. "Renee's gone," You say, unsure of if she really was or not. "Like missing gone?" Fang asks and you nod. "Do you know where she might have gone?" Alex asks and you give him a look, and you will yourself not to snap. You shake your head. "I don't know where she is, or how long she's been gone, or who's she's with or if she's okay or-," Maeve interrupts you. "Okay, we get it. Now, let's go look. She's probably off playing with her friends somewhere." "But, what friends?! My friends are the only friends she has!" You say. You begin to pace again, trying to think. "Okay, _________. Listen, we're gonna find her, we just have to look. We can all split up, call if we find her." Alex says, taking his usual role as the leader and you give him a thankful look. Fang decides to check the cafeteria, Max decides to check in with Raven, and Alex decides to check in with Nakia to see if she ever came by her room again. Leaving you and Maeve to check wherever. "I think I know where to start looking," she tells you and you nod, confused at how she knows, but you don't question it. You both walk out of the room, and you make sure to lock it, since you're leaving the necklace in there. You two begin down the hallway, and you notice a set of stairs at the end of the hallway. You begin to frown. "Maeve?" You ask as she opens the door and begins to bound down the steps. She's dressed in her usual white dress, and she's wearing white flats. "Yes, dear?" she asks, as if she doesn't know what you could be asking. "Why are we going down here?" "We aren't," she replies, barely glancing back at you. "We're going outside." "Why?" "I already told you."
  7. You push through one of the many heavy doors and you're enveloped with warm air. You look over at Maeve, wondering if she will be bothered by the daylight. "Any reason to be looking at me like that?" She asks, noticing your eyes on her. You shake your head, "No, just.. Doesn't the sunlight bother you?" She gives out a laugh. "I may like the cold but that doesn't mean I don't like a little warmth here and there," She explains and you nod, feeling bad about being stereotypical. "Why are we going out here, though? Really?" You ask, after a moment of silence. She gives out a little sigh, and looks at the tree's that begin to sway here and there in the wind. It was a warm day, definitely better than it has been in the past two days. "I know where your sister is." You think back to where she says, "Your own flesh and blood is on the other side." Dread fills in you, white hot, slowly filling in your veins, and making your knee's begin to wobble. "Please, don't tell me... She isn't..." You couldn't even get the words out your mouth. Maeve gives you a look of surprise. "My sister, she isn't.. a traitor, is she?" You finally give it out and Maeve gives you a sympathetic look. "No, dear. She isn't." You let out a breath, and close your eyes for a second. Relief rockets through you, and you can finally breath again. "Where is she? She's okay right?" Maeve holds her mouth in a thin white line. "Be patient," She finally says, and that makes you worry all over again. You wish everyone would just give you straight answers, tell you how things go. If only you knew what was going on. You are beginning to get really stressed out. The atmosphere was too quiet, and that worries you. "Ma-," You begin to say, when you hear a loud, high pitched scream coming from close by. It makes you jump, and you take a couple steps back. "What is this?" You ask, suddenly angry and scared. "What are you trying to let me walk into?" You realize that you're yelling, and you don't care at the moment. "I'm just showing you where your sister is!" Maeve barks back, suddenly offended. She grabs ahold of your hand, with a strong grip and begins to pull you towards the screaming. "Get off of me!" You hear a familiar voice yell, and your panic grows. "You let them take my sister?!" You hiss, glaring at Maeve. It seems that you couldn't trust her. She doesn't answer you, she rather glares back at you, and you can feel the sting in her gaze. She was gripping your wrist so tight, you were sure she would leave a bruise. As she pulls you along, you begin to hear other voices. "Stop struggling!" You hear an unfamiliar voice yell, and you heard a clear smacking noise, like skin on skin. Anger swells up, and you're shaking. You were seriously ready to kill someone. Suddenly three figures come into view. You see Renee laying on the ground, twisting and squirming around, yelling out and a male figure with hair that looks as if it were dipped in butter. You frown, wondering where you've seen hair like that before. "Get the hell off my sister," You yell, and you pull out of Maeve's grip and start towards the figure. He turns around in surprise, and you stop dead in your tracks. Ameer looks at you with a shocked look on his face. "The hell do you think you're doing?" You ask, and you continue on your way towards him. You push him off your sister, with great force actually and he lets you. Renee frowns up at you, and you don't notice any red marks or bruises or cuts on her, and you help her stand up. "What are you doing here?" she asks, and you give her a 'Are-you-freaking-crazy?' look. "What are YOU doing here?" You snap back, and turn back to Ameer and the stranger. "You," You say pointing at him. "What were you just doing?" He gives you an amused look, and he shrugs. "I was just talking to your sister when she fell and took me down with her." He says, and you narrow your eyes at him. Despite his inability to lie, you know he's leaving something out. "And what were you talking to her about?" You ask, and he keeps his mouth shut in a thin line. You notice his lips were not at all like Maeve's. While her's were a chalk white, his were a pink color. You turn to the stranger. You know right off the bat that she is a faery too. Her pixie wings are standing out against her green skin, and her fingers hands are long and thin, longer than yours. Her eyes are a full black, making her look a tad like a frog. "If that's the case, what's she doing here?" You ask, unaware of what to call her. "She," she answers, "has a name." Her attitude unfazes you and you turn back to Ameer.
  8. "You shouldn't be here, ________. Let's go," Renee tells you and you give her a sharp look. "Neither should you." You remark. She gives you a guilty look, and you actually don't feel bad for once. She should feel bad. "Ameer, love," You hear someone call from off in the distance. "Who is that?" You ask, noticing how everyone suddenly became quiet. "Well, off we go," Maeve says and grabs ahold of your wrist again, while Renee still has the other. You begin to resist against both of their grips, wanting to know what they were hiding. "Let me go," You say, but you're getting nowhere this time. "Ameer," Maeve snaps. "Help us." You hear Ameer say something to the pixie and you feel hands on your back, and you're being pushed. "Stop it!" You yell, still squirming and twisting. "Stop resisting than!" Renee snaps back at you, and you give her a glare. "This is your fault," You tell her. "You just had to wander off. What is it that you're hiding Renee? What are you planning?" She looks shocked at your sudden outburst but quickly regains herself. "Ameer, my love," You hear again, closer this time. "Why is she here? It isn't time yet is it? Oh, of course it's not." You turn your head back slightly, to get a look at whoever is talking. Ameer's hands are cold, pressed against your back, and they make you uncomfortable. You catch a glimpse of black here and there, but you can see no face. "Much apologies, Missus." You hear him reply smoothly, and you're being pushed again. You close your eyes, still resisting, and you try to teleport. You open you're eyes, but you're still being pushed. What was happening? Why aren't you able to use your powers? "It won't happen again," you hear Maeve say, and you give her a look. "I trust very well it won't," You finally piece things together. Black, no face, Missus.. It was the cloaked woman. Not another word was said, you begin to see the HQ just beyond the trees. "Okay, okay," You say, going limp and you start walking on your own. "I can walk myself," You snap, and Ameer instantly let's up his hold. "Now you will have owed me two favors, _________." He tells you, and you snort, not facing him. "You call that a favor? Where I come from, we call it forcing." You tell him, and you hear him draw in a breath. At the start of the tree's, you all stop. "This is as far as I'm to go," he says, speaking in his weird choice of words. Maeve nods and you three begin to walk again, their grips still on your hands. You turn and look over your shoulder, to find Ameer still standing there, buttery eyes on you. You turn forwards again, and before you are pushing through the door, you look back, and he's gone. As soon as you're through the door, their grips on you release and you begin to walk quickly away from them, and you bound up the stairwell. "__________," Renee calls, trying to catch up to you. "Will you just listen?" You bark out a laugh, and you don't let up your pace. You skip every other step, and though your legs begin to tire, you stop skipping them. "Listen to what? Until you tell me why you always disappear and why I always find you with someone you shouldn't be with, don't bother to talk to me." You regret the words that fly out of your mouth, and you hear her footsteps stop. You huff out a sigh and stop, turning to face her. She has a look of hurt on her face, and your chest tightens, as if it were your own pain. "Look, you know I love you, okay? But, right now. I need answers, and I need someone to trust. Unless you decide to be that person, just don't bother." You say and turn, and bound up a couple more steps and you push through the door. "I can't believe you!" You hear her shriek as you close the door. Your breathing has increased, and you begin to walk down the hall, unaware of where to go, or who to go to. You could go to Nakia, see how she's doing, but you don't want to chance it. You teleport as you walk, and you're standing in the middle of the white room you first encountered when you arrived here for the first time. You see Raven sitting on the couch, reading the same book as earlier. She looks up at you, and you search for words to say. "Is something wrong, child?" She asks and you nod. "Yes- Wait, no. I don't know," You tell her in a rush. "Sit, sit." She says, closing the book and sitting up straight. "Have you found anything out?" she adds and you nod, as you plop down on the couch from earlier. "Yeah, um. Maeve, she, uh, she doesn't-," You struggle for the right term. "She doesn't have a side, she's playing for both." Raven frowns, and shakes her head. You notice she is wearing dark, denim jeans and a loose white shirt. Her eyes were outlined with purple eyeliner, and you can see a hint of sparkles here and there. "How unusual.." she says, lowly. "That is not your reason for coming, though. Is it?" she asks and you shrug. "I didn't know where else to go." You tell her, and she nods. "Tell me, what is on your mind?" You hesitate, you don't want your sister to get in trouble, so you decide to lead her out of this. "We were trying to find Renee, Maeve and I and she led me out to the forest, saying she knew where Renee was. It seemed suspicious to me, but I went along anyways, and we saw Ameer, he's uh, a faery we met last night, and a pixie was with him, and the cloaked woman-," Raven puts her hand up. "What do you mean, 'cloaked woman'?" She asks and you frown. Hadn't you told her about it? You thought you did this morning. "What I mean, is have you seen her face yet?" You shake your head. "No, no. She always has it hidden." You reply and she gestures for you to go on. "Well, as soon as she arrived, Maeve and Ameer drug me back here."
  9. Raven gives you an understanding look. "What do we do about Maeve?" You ask, suddenly curious. "There's nothing we can do. Each time she takes you somewhere, you learn something new. We wait until she does something to betray you, than we kill her." Your heart races. "Kill as in.. Dead?" You ask. Raven nods. "I'm afraid so." "But we- we can't!" You say in her defense. Raven gives you a tired, look and waves you off. "Now is no time to argue, go off and don't return unless there is something you have found, or need." You sigh, defeated and you teleport up to your room. Renee and Maeve are sitting in there, seemingly waiting for you. You ignore the two, and you one of your shopping bags that you keep under your bed, and you fill it with pajama's, fresh clothes for tomorrow, and your toothbrush and deodorant. "Where are off to?" Maeve asks and you head towards the door. "I'm staying in Nakia's room for a couple of days, so don't stay up for me." With that, you walk out, now feeling guilty. You send Nakia a text, letting her know that you are heading over, and she tells you to walk right in. You do as she tells you, and she's sitting on her bed, feeding Abel. The little baby resembles her mother's features and has her father's eyes and hair. "Hey, babe." She says, looking up at you with a smile. All her anger from earlier is drained away and you feel relieved. "Any reasons why you're staying in here?" she asks and you nod, repeating your story earlier but including Renee this time. When you finish, she shakes her head. "Wow," She says. "That's some bullcocka right there." You nod, "Yeah, it is. But, in the meantime we can spend some times together," You say, winking at her jokingly. Her good mood was rubbing off on you, and you suddenly wonder if you are bipolar, or if you're just letting all the tension from earlier wash away. "Can I hold her?" You add and she nods, a huge smile on her face. Abel was close to being 7 months old, and Nakia was both excited, and upset about how fast she was starting to grow. "You remember how to hold her?" she asks and you nod, as she places the baby in your arms. "She can mostly hold the bottle up herself now, but if you want you can help her out," she says and you nod. "Abel," You coo. "Such a pretty name, you silly, pretty girl." Nakia giggles and you stick your tongue out at her. "I told Atreyu that you're here, and he says he's going to bring {_______} over, so you don't feel like a third wheel." "Fine by me!" You say immediately, causing her to laugh. Abel's small fingers, wrap around your pinky as she drinks formula out of her bottle. You felt a sense of relief, that neither of you talk about what happened earlier, but Nakia's mouth opens. "Maeve, she's bad news. I don't want you to get in trouble, from something she forced you do to, okay? I swear, she gets you kicked outta this place, and her ass is mine." You nod, knowing that there is no arguing with Nakia on this one. Nakia has a mind of her own, you can try to talk her out of something, but she will always find a way to get out of it. Instead you just nod. "And," Nakia says, letting you know that she isn't done talking. "In a couple of days, I think you and Renee should talk. Until than, you're stuck with me." You nod, "I know, I will. I just need time to clear my mind," You agree with her and she smiles. "Exactly, you two are sisters. You'll pull through this." You smile, knowing that that could happen, but there was also a possibility that things could be different now. You felt uneasy for a few seconds, unsure of why or what to do about it. You hear the door open and Atreyu and {________} bound in. "Hiya, babe!" {________} says and you smile at him in return. "Hi," You say. He takes a seat beside you and Atreyu gives you an amused look. "Thinkin' about giving my kid back anytime soon?" He says, and you shake your head. "Nah, I'm actually thinking about stealing her. She's too cute to be one of your kids." You joke and he looks over at Nakia with mock worry on his face. "Jae Jae, I think we gotta go back into the witness-protection-program again," He says and she shakes her head and rolls her eyes, but smiles all the while. "Do you two really have to go through this everytime she comes here?" she asks, and gives him a sly wink. "What do you mean? She sitting here talking about stealing our kid, shouldn't you be the least bit worried?" He asks, grinning. "Oh, Atreyu, I'll give her back before you even realize she's gone!" You seem, an innocent smile on your face. He made a 'pfffft' sound and swatted at the air. "Please, look at you, tryna' act so innocent." He says, causing you to laugh and you hand Abel gently over to him and he takes her with caution and he slowly begins to rock her, and coo to her. "I find it cute," {_______} says and wraps an arm around you. You let out a nervous laugh, and you felt as if your heart was pounding at eighty-eight miles per hour. "Cute is for puppies," You say and wink at Nakia. "Well than," Atreyu says and you stick your tongue out at him. He holds Abel with one hand, and unfolds the bag of Doritos that's by his side. He stuffs a handful in his mouth and swallows most of it before he points at you again. "You better keep that tongue in your mouth," He threatens and you shake your head. You turn to {________} and he gives you a weird look. "What?" You ask and he tilts his head. "What?" He asks, repeating your question. "What's that look for?" You ask, noticing how his face inches closer to yours. "What look? This is my face!" He says and you giggle, shaking your head. "No! That look from earlier!" You say and he rolls his eyes smirking. "Again, it was just my face," He says, pecking your lips.
  10. "So, _________," Atreyu begins and you lean against {________}. "So, Atreyu," You copy him. "Heard you went to a sick ass party last night," He says with a smirk. You give him a look, and shrug. "You could call it that," You mumble. "Why don't you tell us about it," He says, giving you an amused look, and you got the sense that he knew where you really were. Who didn't? "I can guarantee that you already know," You reply and he nods. "Oh, I do alright. In fact, I brought you back a treat," He says and throws something at you and you catch it by reflex. It's a pear shaped white fruit from the Unseelie Court. You felt a surge of anger and annoyance go through you, before being replaced by amusement. You frown, suddenly confused. "I get the gist you're making fun of me," you say, throwing the fruit back at him. You decide to give it to Maeve later, for now you try not to snatch it back and dig in. "So, you really did go to the Unseelie court?" {________} asks and you nod. "Yeah, Maeve dragged me there," You reply and he grows silent. 'Is it seriously that bad to go to the Unseelie Court? Well, duh ________!' You think to yourself. 'Unseelie means bad!' "Well," Atreyu begins again. "I hope you didn't have too much fun. Or dance with any pixie boys. Heard you were drunk too! That wine takes over your every thought and command, I hope you didn't have too much fun!" That time, he went too far. "Atreyu, that's enough," Nakia says but he is too busy laughing his butt off. "You're an ass," You say, but you're struck with this desire to laugh. You feel anger, and bubbly laughter, and anxiety all at once. What is going on with you? You are aware of {________}'s body tensing, and you wish you could grab that fruit again and throw it at Atreyu's face. Why were you feeling so many things at once lately. You moved your hand to your shoulder, to itch whatever scab was left when it realization hit you. "Guys," You say, unsure of how to word your question. "Is it possible for someone to be able to feel whatever someone else is feeling?" You ask, and they all ponder on this, and Atreyu has stopped laughing. "I guess it could be, why?" Nakia says and you give her a sheepish look. "Because I think I have that," You say and Atreyu snorts. "You make it sound like it's a sickness." You give him a sharp look. "Shut up, Atreyu. You sound drunk." He gives you a glare but quickly he's back to his annoying self. "And how would you have gotten this?" {_______} asks and you and Nakia instantly make eye contact. You have a mental anxiety attack before you tell him about when Janise bit you. He nods, and you explain how you can get some of her powers from that. "This is going to suck," You whine, and slouch your shoulders. "Awe, suck it up, _________. Maybe you could even control their emotions, that would be cool." Atreyu says. It seems as if he has to make a comment on everything you say. "You're right, it would be cool. Because I can make you feel HOWEVER way I wanted," You say, and you begin to try. Though, you are unsure of how to make him feel. "Make him feel scared of you," You hear a voice whisper in your ear. You turn your head and you see April sitting by you. You smile at her, and you try to concentrate on making him feel scared. You aren't sure of how this works, so you just let the familiar tingle flow into your fingers, and up to your arms. "Hey, no!" Atreyu yells, moving away from you. "That's not fair!" You begin to laugh, and you throw your head back onto {________} chest. "Just trying to prove a point," You say. "What did you do?" Nakia asks, giving you two a confused look. "Would you like to tell her or can I?" You ask and he gives you a glare. "That wasn't funny, I'm not laughing. And that's saying something." He says, making you laugh harder. "Okay, okay, I'll tell her." You say and you turn to Nakia. I made him feel afraid of me. Her mouth goes to an "o". "Atreyu? Scared?" She mock gasps. "I know, I know," You say, beaming. "I'm a mastermind." "You're unfair, that's what you are," Atreyu says and you shake your head. "Says the one who was just ticking me the crap off just seconds ago." You say and he shuts right up again. "Oh!" {_______} says suddenly, as if he just remembers something. "Did you ever find Renee?" You and Nakia make eye contact again and you nod. "Yeah, I did. She was in the training room," You lie. You don't know what influences you to lie, but you do.
  11. Later that night, {_______} decides to crash with you guys, and you both lay on the floor, watching a scary movie. You were half asleep, and you both were wrapped up in two blankets, so you both were covered. He was already passed out and you are about there. As you close your eyes, you're instantly pulled into darkness. You feel as if you're falling underwater, everything around you is cool and smooth. When you open your eyes, fish are swimming around you, and your hair is floating effortlessly around your head. You frown, and you open your mouth to try to speak, but only bubbles come out. Something swims by you, and you turn your head to get a better look, but it's gone. Confused, and nervous you begin to try to swim but your arms and legs seem paralyzed. The only way you can move, is with the current. Other than that, you're sinking slowly. You look down, and all you see is darkness. But, when you look up, all you see is white. A hand closes in yours, and a faint green glow is visible. You look up surprised, and you're being pulled. A girl with dark brown hair, and pale skin is leading the way. Looking down her body, you notice what appear to be fins on her arms and lower sides, and covering her lower half is a purple tail. You try to ask her where you two were going but only bubbles come out your mouth again. You notice there are no longer any fish, and whatever corral and plants that were flowing with you, are gone as well. You catch a glimpse of your arm, and you notice a dark mark on it. When you look closer, you notice it is a dark red, and it has a dash of white here and there. 'Is it a burn?' you think to yourself and you stretch out your other hand to touch it, and you accidently brush the mermaids hands. She looks at you suddenly, and her eyes are a bright red, and she opens her mouth, baring sharp jagged teeth. You instantly begin to shake your head, and you start trying to pull your hand away. You begin to scream, as she starts to inch towards you, and you swallow salt water in the process. You feel her fingernails claw at your skin, and her shrill screams pierce your ears. You feel the salt in the water begin to sting your fresh cuts and the red scarlet begin to lace around you in the water. She scratches your neck, your cheeks, your lip, your forehead, nose, your arms, your stomach, and your shoulders. You try to push her away with your now free hands, and you manage to kick her a couple of times, but you have slow reactions from the water. She kept ripping open your skin, and that scream, it made your body tremble. It was a high pitch, cry that rattles your bones and make your head ache. Finally, you feel your body go limp, and you're sinking again, into the darkness from which you started at. You wake up, coughing and choking. You roll over onto your stomach, and you feel water rising from your throat. In fact, now that you're beginning to wake up, you feel your clothes cling to your body and you hack up more water. You hear Abel begin to cry, and you hear the bed creak under the weight of someone getting up. You push yourself up onto your hands and knee's and you look over to see Atreyu glancing down at you in the semi-darkness, Abel in his arms. Neither of you speak for about a minute or two, before he finally says, "I don't know what in the hell happened to you, but you're cleaning up the mess, and once you're done, you're getting my kid back to sleep, since you woke her up." You glare up at him, and you try to catch your breath. You look down at the ground below you, and see you're covered in a pool of water, and that it was beginning to travel to {________}. You slowly get up and grab towels from the bathroom, and begin to soak up the water. You discard the wet blanket, letting him keep the dry one, and you stick the wet blanket over the bathtub. You close the door, and turn on the light. You turn towards the mirror, and take in your pale skin, your blue lips, and the water dripping off of you. You begin to strip off your clothes, inspecting your body for any cuts, but all you find is the bruise on your wrist from Maeve, and a burn on your forearm. You stop, and look at your forearm again, and touch the burn, to see if it's real or not. Sure enough, a sting produces up your arm and you wince. You go back out, and grab dry clothes, and change in the bathroom. You dry off your face, and run a brush through your hair, and you go back out, take the baby from Atreyu, and rock her until she falls back asleep.

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