Please take this quiz before you go online

This test is used to determine if you can go online. I hope this will aid in helping Christians struggling with p--- and just plain soul destroying internet browsing.

Take this test to see if you are ready to go online. This is to help you determine if you should go online or not because most of the time I can't even tell

Created by: Kevin Tang

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. I am going on the internet for?
  2. Right now I am thinking
  3. I was doing this before I went online
  4. I am currently
  5. My door is
  6. Would I be embarrassed if people saw what I was looking at online
  7. I know that God loves me
  8. If I wasn't online I would be
  9. I don't need my sins because
  10. I am online for

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