Percy Jackson Love story Pt. 1

Well, welcome to my first quiz! You are a Hunter of Artemis that has just run into Percy Jackson and his friends. But hat you don’t know is that they’re falling for you.

But be carful because if you do fall for those guys you’ll lose you place as a Hunter and your immortality. But if you do fall for one of them, brace yourself for the consequences.

Created by: TheOracleandtheMist1
  1. I followed the rest of the Hunters behind Artemis and Zoe. The wolves followed and so did the birds. Suddenly Lady Artemis took an unexpected turn and blew the hunting horn. We all followed in pursuit. What i saw when we stopped horrified me. Three demigods, maybe five because there were two other kids, battling a manticore. I heard one of the girls yell out, “The Hunters!” And then another one yelled, “Oh great!” Zoe then stepped forward and asked Lady Artemis for permission to fire on the beast. “This is not fair! Direct interference! He screamed over the chaos. It is against Ancient Laws!” “Oh what does he know about the laws!” I growled to one of the younger and more newer Hunters to my right. She nodded and began to reach for an arrow before i stopped her. “Elizabeth, wait for Lady Artemis to give permission.” I told her quickly before letting her arm go. I then heard Lady Artemis give Zoe permission and quickly docked my bow with my silver arrows. But the monster was in a terrible mood now. He growled at Artemis before lunging at the boy and the black haired girl. “No!” The other girl, the one with bright blonde hair, cried as she charged the manticore. Zoe tried to warn her…
  2. Later we had all the other children in camp and everything was fine. I learned about the boy and the girl, their names were Percy and Thalia. Percy was a tall boy, about my age if i wasn’t already one hundred years older than i should be. He had black hair and startling green eyes, which seemed to me like the ocean making me guess he was the son of Poseidon. His face was grubby and had dirt strewn all over himself. The girl, Thalia, on the other hand had short, messy, black hair, amber eyes, and a permanently serious expression written across her face, like Zeus, so i guessed she was Zeus’s daughter, she also looked about my age. After i had acquainted myself with those two, i walked briskly over to the other boy. He had dark, olivey skin, black eyes, and messy black hair that was ruffled in the wind. He looked about ten years old. He was sitting on the ground with strange figurines strewn in front of him. “Hi.” I said cheerfully as i came closer to him. He looked up and gave me an excited smile. “You must be a Hunter!” He cried excitedly as he stood up. I nodded my head and gave him a friendly smile. “I’m Ryan, and you?” He stuck out his hand. “Nico Di Angelo!” I took his hand…
  3. I said good bye to Nico before going to look for Zoe and Lady Artemis. I looked inside Artemis’s tent and found her, Nico’s sister who i had learned was named Bianca, Zoe, and Percy all having a serious conversation. I calmly entered and cleared my throat. “Yes Ryan, what is it? Lady Artemis asked as she looked up to speak to me. “My lady.” I said as i bowed and came back up. “Excuse me for interrupting your meeting, but i was wishing to speak to you about your plans for the next hunt?” Artemis and Zoe swapped serious looks before turning to speak to me. Lady Artemis stared at me sympathetically with her yellow eyes. “Ryan, you and all the other Hunters will be going with the half-bloods to Camp Half-Blood.” “And you, my lady?” I will be tracking a monster on my own.” My jaw dropped. Me, Zoe, and Bianca left he tent and Zoe explained everything to me. How Bianca was now a Hunter and how we would be sent to Camp Half-Blood.
  4. The next morning Artemis had her annoying older brother, Apollo the god of the sun, come and give us a ride to the camp. “Looking fine as always, Ryan.” I rolled my eyes at his flattery. “Keep that up and you wont have your eyes to see it.” I snarled before climbing onto his giant sun bus.
  5. I sat in the back of the sun bus as Apollo allowed Thalia to drive it. Her driving made me sick and I realized why i hated being in the air. “Your fine Ryan.” A hunter with brunette hair told me as she stroked my back to calm me down. “Thanks Ginger, but its not helping my stomach at all.” I whined as i had begun to clutch at my stomach. The boy, Percy, turned around to look at me. “Hate being in the sky too?” He asked as he gave an awkward smile. I nodded my head. “Why do you not like it?” He shrugged, “Zeus thought i had stolen his bolt and now he won’t allow me to be in his domain without wanting to blast me to smithereens.” He gave an awkward laugh and my eyes widened. “So your that Percy? Percy Jackson, Right?” “Yup, the one and only.” Me and him had a friendly chat and before i knew it, we had landed right outside their camp.
  6. I climbed out began to make my way over to the barrier. “See you Ryan!” Apollo called but i ignored him and walked straight into the camp. Tons of campers in orange camp t-shirts turned to stare at me and my fellow Hunters as we waited for Zoe to exit the Big House as Percy told me. Later that day at dinner, Mr. D, Percy told me he was the camp director, announced a traditional game of capture the flag, The Hunters against all the Camp Half-Blood campers. Jennie, one of the Hunters that has hunted with Artemis longer, grabbed my shoulder and shook me violently while screaming out, “We’re gonna whoop their butts!” I laughed and gave a few campers at the Aphrodite campers a glare which made them squirm in their seats.
  7. After a good nights rest, i woke with all the other hunters and made my way to the Pavilion for breakfast when i ran into the satyr i saw the other night when we rescued Percy and his friends. He was sitting outside a bush that was in front of the Artemis cabin. “Are you spying n us?” I asked critically which made him jump out of his hiding spot. “” I gave a laugh and punched his shoulder. “I wouldn’t let Zoe catch you if i were you, goat legs.” I laughed before i continued towards the Pavilion. Clop, clop, clop! Went the sounds of hooves on dirt behind me. I turned and saw the satyr running behind me. “You don’t give up easily do you?” I asked him as I raised my eyebrow at him. He shook his head and caught his breath before he said. “I’m Grover and you are?” I gave him a look before saying. “Ryan. Ryan Piper. Well i better get to breakfast. See you later!” I called as i hurried to catch up to everyone else.
  8. I sat and waited for the end of breakfast, my stomach being too queasy to eat anything and stared all around at the tables. Now wanting to be in the noisy area for mush longer, i got up and left. I trotted down the hill and stopped at the Pegasus stables. I smiled at all the Pegasus and walked over to one in particular. He was black and had dark eyes that could make anyone stop in their tracks. “Why hello there handsome.” I said as i patted his silky nose. “Hello.” A voice spoke in my head and i figured it was the horse. “And who are you?” I asked him still patting his nose. “I’m Blackjack.” I laughed as he said his name. “What’s so funny about my name!” He whinnied and stamped his foot in the ground to show he was not happy. “Nothing, i said, i think it’s an incredible name.” He gave a happy whinny at that. “Well, i better get going.” I told him. “Come back soon please! Oh and bring some sugar cubes next time why don’t cha!” I laughed and nodded before following a long line of campers down to the forest. Mr. D and Chiron had gathered everyone in a group and began to explain things. Once they were done everyone tramped out to their bases. “Good luck.” Percy smiled before he…
  9. I sat on the ground chatting with Elizabeth and Hannah before the game had started. “I wanna see what that Percy kid has.” I said as i stared past the border on the other side. Elizabeth giggled and me and Hannah turned to stare at her. But before we could say anything the horn blew and the game began. I stared into the forest and saw a figure running our way. It was Percy! “Elizabeth on my right! Hannah Circle around him!” I ordered them and drew my bow aiming it at his chest plate. “Halt!” I cried and sent an arrow whizzing past his head. “Halt!” I cried again. But he kept running. He wielded his sword at Elizabeth causing her to fall back with a slash on her plait. Then he turned on Hannah and caused her to duck and run. When he turned on me i began to fire arrows at him. He dodged all of them and jumped me knocking me to the ground and causing my helmet to fall off and all my hair fell out. For a second Percy stared but then snapped back int reality and ran off.
  10. I gazed at where he disappeared to until i saw the rest of the hunters running back from the opposing side with their flag. I followed them and when we got back to the base i saw Zoe standing over Percy who lay on the ground. I ran over to him and stared down at him. “Haha, beat cha.” I laughed before helping him up and running off to celebrate with my team.
  11. Well there all of you guys go! My very first quiz is done! I hope you all enjoyed it, i worked till like 11:16 at night and my back hurts so bad now! XD Anyway hope ya’ll enjoyed it! Bye!

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