Overwatch General Knowledge Quiz

thius Welcome, New Hive Oity graduating class of… …9:15. That concludes our ceremonies. And begins your career at Honex Industries! Will we pick ourjob today?

Good aim is important Hero counters Hero abilities how to win a game HOW TO PLAY THE GAME how to bust a few including how to nae nae too (aswell, also)

Created by: codysly
  1. Which of these heroes is most likely to win a 1v1 encounter with Roadhog?
  2. Scenario: You are on the defending team. The entire enemy team is on the capture point. The rest of your team is dead, you are sitting on a ledge above the point. If the enemies take this point, you lose the game. What do you do?
  3. Which of these heroes is under powered and should never be played?
  4. What's the best way to aim and shoot down a Pharah if she is above you and shooting rockets at you? (You are playing as McCree)
  5. What character is best for dealing with a Genji and why?
  6. Is Mei a generally good hero to play as on defense? Why?
  7. Is Torbjörn a generally good hero to play as on offense?
  8. Why is Mercy generally a better choice on defense than Lúcio?
  9. How do you get good at this game?
  10. What should almost always be your number one priority in a game?
  11. Extra Credit: What is the name of the Asian map?

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