Original Character Test. Is it a Mary Sue?

Hello, this is a small quiz and it might not be 100% accurate because it mostly depends on the type of story you're going for this is for adventure story's or similar.

Sorry if you disagree with your results. This are all based on what I think makes a good character. I hope you have fun taking the 10 questioned test.

Created by: Zammi Marie
  1. What is your character: villain, protagonist, or secondary character?
  2. What's the backstory like or similar to?
  3. How many love interests does your character have?
  4. Does everything go your characters way.
  5. What's your character's motivation?
  6. Are they scared of anything?
  7. Does your character have any internal conflict or flaws
  8. How many strengths do they have?
  9. Is your character the chosen one?
  10. Does your character have room to grow? An example is Killua from Hunter X Hunter or Neville LongBottom from Harry Potter. They were good characters, but still were able to grow into even better characters.

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