Okay I need some love advice part 5! | Comments

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  • Ok I know this sounds stupid but confront him and ask why he's been acting different to you or whatever and ask if he likes you. If he says yes then tell him you like him. If he says no, look really crestfallen and say something like"oh, well see you later." and run away. He'll get the hint hopefully. I know you probably already moved. But please tell me what you ended up doing. I am kinda curious to see if he realized how great a person you were and asked out. hehehe #perksofbeingsingle :)

  • Why didn't you tell us that would have been helpful aaaggg i have no clue on the last day of school tell him

    shadow wolf 195
  • aw that is SO SAD!!! D: It seems now becuz of how he is getting worried about you 'hating him' or moving away, that he could possibly like you too! maybe you can keep in touch thru fb/ email or something... i feel sooo bad for you that would b awful 2 hav 2 move!!! u should definitly tell him. ik its nervewracking but you'll regret it SO MUCH if you dont after you dont have a chance anymore. just write him maybe a note or just tell him personally. but in private


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