Noitect is Activated Part One {Aria's) | Comments

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  • Wow. Another amazing quiz. Oh my god! Aria is a writing pro. I love it so much.

  • AHHHHH no way!!! Phineas and Ferb is in here too? I'm sold, I'm reading this series. I mean there's no way it could get better, not unless you threw in Spiderman, Kim Possible, or Harry Potter. I mean this is incredible! Who's Harry Styles? OH MY GOD HARRY POTTER!!! You put Harry Potter in!!! YAY!!! Oh Davina you can have Harry, but don't move in on Steve... pretty please? Okay now for later thoughts. It's good, and I'm probably going to read it. If you need any advice on Phineas and Ferb, go to me because I know Phineas and Ferb more than Irving ever will... oh yeah... I went there. Also I know a fair bit about Avengers, I don't know much about the Justice League but I do know a lot about Batman alone so if you have any questions on them just ask away and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Okay I'm done here, GLORPH!!!! (Phineas and Ferb Nerds of a Feather reference)

    Missy Prissy Cat
  • Okay, I decided to comment your style. Meaning I would write down things as I was reading. HOW IS GOD DEAD??? Who's Rezagrats and how did he kill GOD? isn't that impossible? Davina Sparks, nice name. Okay, stop right there. How are you a normal teen when you have information on GOD? What's Noitect? "layer" should be spelled "lair" I'm sorry, but lair is one of my favourite words. HEY WHOA! eyes off my future husband! You can have ANY of the other Avengers, but Steve is MINE!!! NO Black widow is dead? She's been my childhood idol. I knew about her way before the movies were even made. Most people don't even know she was a former ballerina before joining Hydra. Okay no for Superman, Yes for Batman, Depends for Robin (Not Dick Greyson, the other Robins are great just not him), Yes, Yes, and I don't care for Wonder Woman. What the heck is a zandoid? Wait, so where did this thing come from? and how can it be destroyed? WHOA Davina has quite the mouth on her. I mean did she REALLY just say that to a teacher? I wouldn't be caught dead OR alive back talking a teacher. Anersa sounds just like me, I'm getting A's in everything and people think I'm smart. They also think I'm an obsessive nerdy fangirl but that's just occasional. Oh darn... okay I'm so sorry I really am. I just really have to give some advice right now. Before I say anything, this is good so far and Aria you're a great writer but I have to say this. Just think for a moment... would Carmen from spy kids really say "Oh my hallows"? When writing about a character from different works (like a book or a movie), you have to make sure that the character stays true to their original material. I just wanted to point that out for the future because you have a lot of franchise characters and I don't want Tony to end up saying "Oh broomsticks" when in reality he wouldn't say that even if his life depended on it. Achilles huh... I would be attracted to him, but I don't go for emo guys they're just... not my type.

    Missy Prissy Cat
  • This is awesome! I think maybe, MAYBE! (notice the presence of the maybe) you should do romance. Maybe just with a handful or 2 characters like Captain America, Harry Potter, Draco, Thor, Superman (be the new Lois Lane lol) Batman (maybe ok maybe. Just maybe) Neville, Hawkeye and maybe one or two others. They're the ones I would want so yah! Also I love how you put, like, most of my favourite groups/movie characters/book series characters in it like the Avengers (awesome movie by the way!), Justice league (lil bros obsessed!) Spy Kids (I actually haven't seen the fourth one...) and Harry Potter!!!! (yay yayayayayayay I love love love everything about the Harry potter stuff! I like Ginny! She is a role model for not just red head girls but all girls and boys! Go Harry Potter! Potter heads rule! Keep going!

  • @TheRecklessBam- Thanks there (:

  • Okay I really like this. It's Epic! You have to make the second part, because this is just amazing! ^___^

  • "The future looks shiny" really? AGAIN? Yes, we like shiny, the future is shiny so therefore we like the future? LOL, I remember it. Hm, is it original really? I think God inspired it, no lie. I was staring directly at the center of the moon and the ideas just struck me. I was like "where's my pen?" and i started writing. I'm not sure if i'll continue but it seems to get my mind off things so yeah xD I have no idea whats coming next, okay I lie. I DO know what's coming next. Wanna know why? CUZ IM THE AUTHOR! XD HAHAHAHA! Okay, I am very hyper. I told you about the words already, don't let out my secret. Shhh xD

  • *looks down at comments* since everyone else said whoa, I'll say: Wow. Yes! I love the references! XD It's fun to pick them out and also fun to be paranoid trying to figure out which words are inspired by what. I can't believe I just admited that that's fun to me XD It's really really original, and so different, so I don't know what to expect next, which is refreshingly surprising. The future looks shiny for this story :)

  • Woah, this is ambitious. You got everything in here, One Direction, Spy Kids, Phineas and Ferb, Avengers and Harry Potter? Really creative! Can't wait to see how this plays out

  • Whoa so awesome!! I cant believe you actually put the Avengers,Harry Potter and some things invented together xD So epic!


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