Never Forgotten Part 8

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Thanks for all the comments guys! I love it! I hope you enjoy this one... and I promise, all the guys will get their time! ;)

You left off waking up to....

Created by: CountryBayRythm
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. I stared Faye straight in the face. I jumped and pushed her away. "What the heck Faye!" She giggled, "I was sent in to wake you up! And good thing too, you should probably wear clothes while you sleep here." 's---!' I looked down glad to see that nothing but my shoulders neck head and arms showed. I never thought anything of my old habit so I totally forgot about it! I looked at Faye with a grateful look. She smiled, "Get up! We have to talk to you over breakfast! I'll go and let you get ready!" She flew out of the door. I sat a minute with my head in my hands. This was all going too fast! I took a long hot shower pondering everything that had happened to me so far. I looked at my closet and chose to wear...
  2. I walked into the dining room, last again. I sat eating pancakes that were waiting for me, waiting for someone to talk. Nobody did. I waited fiddling awkwardly with my thumbs. "Well... uh... _______, we've been talking all night, and we've decided to both educate you a little more about the realms and train you a bit so that you can at the least defend yourself if the time ever calls for that." I looked up at Leo, he seemed sad. The Christian began, "So, that is why we will each take you to our home realms one by one and teach you something to help you in training. I will bring you to my home realm first." I smiled suppressing my excitement. "And because I handle water better than Epron... I will be your escort." Wequest said. I nodded, "When are we leaving?" "Now." said Christian, bearing a huge smile. I giggled and said that's awesome. Christian helped me from my chair and lead me all the way out of the waterfall. He started walking out on to the water, like, on the water. I gasped, it was amazing! He gestured me to do the same. I shook my head, there was no way I could do that. "Trust me." Christian said with such a convincing tone I couldn't say no. I took my first step onto the water, and I didn't sink! I smiled and slowly walked out to him watching everything below me. I couldn't believe it! I reached him and Wequest followed. Wequest started glowing gold, he howled and before us opened a blue portal. Christian put his hand on Wequest and I followed his example.
  3. We walked through the portal and I began feeling the same pains I felt when I first got here. We came through the portal into a vast ocean. I gasped and was ready to feel the intake of water in my lungs. But felt nothing. Just like air. I looked at Wequest and Christian. Wequest looked amused and Christian was laughing. And I could hear him! I guess the spell he granted me before lasted to now. I watched as he morphed into that large black dragon. I swam to his back and there Wequest clung to me. We moved through the water without effort. Creatures of the deep I've never seen before swam around me, and familiar faces such as dolphins and sharks. They parted for us with obvious respect. We came to a large and beautiful city that reminded me of Atlantis. We swam into a large archway, which lead to a hallway decorated in sculptures. We were let down from Christians back and he let out a tremendous roar. I stood in awe as he stood there proud and strong. Many creatures appeared before us bowing in some matter to their king. Another dragon approached and all the creatures disbanded. This dragon was smaller and blue. It had a feminine poise and came with it's head held high.
  4. The dragon morphed into a beautiful women. Her hair was put up into a nice up do and brunette. Her face was soft but her eyes a hard blue. She curtsied in a white dress that reminded me of a Greek goddess's. She wore no shoes. Christian morphed to his normal self again. "Sister!" He said with a smile, taking the woman into a hug. She smiled and hugged back. Her eyes then turned to me with her eyebrow raised. "This is ________, ______ this is my sister, Lilian." I smiled and she gave me a small nod. But then she quickly turned her back to me. "Welcome Guardian! We are pleased to house you in our beautiful castle!" Lilian said with a strong voice. Wequest gave a slight bow but I could tell he wasn't pleased with something. "Come my dear, I'm sure Christian is ready to begin with your training." Wequest said this with a hint of irritation. "Alright!" I replied. I looked to Christian and found his face hard and unreadable. He beckoned me to follow him.
  5. He led me to a large room. The room had several different terrains built within to withstand the water surrounding us. "What I aim to train you with today is hand to hand combat and healing. I am an expert in both." I looked at him asking for more with my expression. "I am going to give you a potion that will make you absorb more information and skill much faster than you would be able to normally." I nodded, he handed me a small biscuit, and I ate it. We trained for hours on how to create healing potions and martial arts moves that were incredible. However, by dinner time I couldn't do anymore and Christian let me stop.
  6. Wequest then came in to show me my room. I followed him and he told me about how I'm supposed to present myself well before Christian's royal family. This means dressing up in a dress. I groaned. He left me in my room to prepare. The room was simple, but it had an amazing view of the water realm. From this I took my inspiration and dressed in...
  7. Christian came to get while I was finishing my last touches. He looked me over with dreamy eyes and smiled, "You look stunning _______." I thank him and he offered me his arm. I looked at him and he looked all snazzy himself! I took his arm and he led me to a large dining hall in the center of the grande palace. Many people were there throughout creating mindless chatter. When Christian walked in with me however, all chatter stopped and everyone took their seats. I was lead to be by his side, him at the head of the table, and his sister opposite of me. Christian stood and gave a small speech about how he was proud to present me and protect me against dangers. He took my hand when he was finished, standing me up. Together we made a slight bow as people clapped. We sat and the feast began. Everyone was talking to everyone, everyone but me that is. I sat there listening to conversations waiting for a chance to add input but it never came. Christian was the only to talk to me. Wequest was next to me but was to occupied with answering questions that he couldn't talk to me. I felt lonely. When desert was finished everyone stood and meandered to a ballroom. There Christian and I did a traditional dance that people would join us in halfway through. His hand on my hip and his body pressed to mine... it was amazing.... We enjoyed our dancing. But when the dance ended, other women danced with him, but no one danced with me... no one even talked to me. I eventually just sat and stopped trying to be social. I just watched the events. Wequest finally found a way to come talk to me. "I'm sorry _______, these people are very secluded...." "But why am I so taboo? They haven't met you before?" "Well... it's a blood thing... I'm a Guardian behind many generations of Guardians. To them... you are only a human." I nodded and lowered my head into my hands... 'I tried so hard and it still wasn't good enough.'
  8. Wequest nudged me up and silently took me from the room. He took me all the way back to my room were he gave me a large hug. He looked into my eyes and I knew he understood. We said goodnight and I dressed into sweats and a t-shirt. I was about to go to bed when there was a knock on my door. I told them to come in and it was Christian. He looked sad, "I'm soo sorry ______, I wish my people were different, they should be kind to you but instead they're rude. I tried to hide it... I did...." I put my hand on his shoulder and told him it's ok, and that it wasn't his fault. "But that doesn't mean I can't be sorry." I smiled and he turned to leave... but stopped. He turned around and pulled my waist to him. He kissed me. It was a short kiss, but it was sweet and lingered, and I kissed him back. He stepped back and had a longing in his eyes. I smiled and he said goodnight and left. I then fell asleep thinking about the events of the day.
  9. This is it for today! Sorry it was shortish... :/. Plleeeaase comment and or rate!
  10. Who are you feeling for?

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