Never Forgotten Part 2 | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Never Forgotten Part 2.

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  • AWESOME!!!! Keep it up though you have more parts out... i feel stupid... oh well, THIS WAS GREAT!

  • awesome :3 next part pleassee :D

  • A Quet, never heard of one. I don't know if you just made that up or if it's an official mythical creature I've never heard about. Either way, it's very creative I never saw that one coming. I think the eye colour thing is handled okay, but I'd be interested to learn more about how these quets work. Are they loners or do they have colonies? How come nobody knows about them? and why are they mystically paired with humans? Could you please answer these questions? I love the descriptions though, not too much, not too little. The description for riding on wequest was obviously done with extra care. I really love it when a writer tries to bring something that the audience has never really experianced, and then bring it to life. That was a real treat. I'll be looking for the next part, it'll either come with foreshadowing or explainations. I'm hoping for a little bit of both. Great job.

    Missy Prissy Cat
  • I loved it! Make part 2 soon! Oh, and by the way, you never told me what happened in the last cliffhanger.

  • I dont think that has ever been done before, forgive me if I am wrong. Wow, that was diffrernet. I don't mind that you skipped the school part, I really don't like writing school parts myself. Unless something happens. Anyway I will be looking for the next part. I don't know what to think about it yet. If possible could you make it longer! Sorry I just love if I can read more of it. When you get me hooked on something I need more! Also could you add a little more detail. There was nothing wrong with your detail, it might not be the detail but the quiz seems to go really fast. Well I will be looking for the next part.


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