My Tears Are For You (Memory 3)

This story is about a girl who experienced true love. She had found that special someone, but soon after, great pain follows her. It strikes her at the spot where pain can be felt most. Her heart.

Everything starts going downhill for her. She cannot control what is to come. Knowing that, she hates herself. She wants to stop it but she can't. What will happen to the life as she knows it? (me: It sounds pretty cheesy to me but it seems to fit so...)

Created by: Fairygal
  1. The place is not what I expected. It is more elegant than I thought it would be. A bright array of golden tones seem to cover every inch of the ballroom; the other colours that I see come from the decorations and the attire the people wore. The windows looking over the gardens and courtyards are almost as tall as the room itself. They provide a stunning view to the wondrous world outside. As I walk over one, I look at a garden similar to the one I was previously in. A flourish of beautiful flowers grew in it but although there is a wide variety of the delicate plant, it doesn't seem as special as the one I woke up in, but all the while, still awe-inspiring. A wave of happiness washes all over me. This feels so unreal. The fact that I am in this extraordinary place is... dreamlike and impalpable. The wide expanse I'm in is far from what my family could afford as well as maybe the richest men from my time! Not even one room could we buy. In the background, I hear a soothing classical music played by violinists, a pianist and a harpist. Although it is different than the modern music I'm used to listening to, the sounds from the instruments give off a tranquil and happy feeling. All around me, there are people dressed in a rich fashion. I see many pearls, precious jewels, and detailed stitchings adorned in their clothing. Even though they are fancy, I like mine best. My dress is simple yet beautiful. It's a red wine colour with the colour black here and there. My hair is up like other women's but mine is bare with no jewels or other accessories. This simple style reflects on the kind of clothes I wear and my personality. 
  2. To sum up my opinion of the place, the sight leaves me breathless. As I gaze at the details of the ballroom, I look through the crowds of people. Everyone looks so happy and acquainted with each other. They are laughing, smiling, and talking in a merry way. This leaves me sad since I want to join in the fun and not be alone. Suddenly, I am left startled as pressure is placed on my back. I turn around to see William with the man I saw earlier in the garden. Oh, what's his name? I can't seem to remember. My thoughts are interrupted as William spoke. "Elaine, it is nice to see you come in for the ball. How are you enjoying it so far?" I look into William's eyes as he said those words. His eyes are so radiant, sparkling as bright as the ocean waters. They are so alluring and captivating but I surprise myself as I'm able to reply with conviction, "Oh, I am having a great time. I had the most fun in the gardens. It made me happy." Before I could stop myself, those last few words come out as naturally as blinking. Did I just say that? I mentally scold myself. I was practically flirting, hinting that I had fun because of him! I didn't want to say that, especially in front of the other man. I blush deeply, my face turning a rose-ish pink. "I noticed. I have seen you in there plenty of time. I see that you have a special interest in flowers, especially roses," William says. His eyes twinkle at the word "roses", maybe remembering back to our moment together. He starts to say something else but the other man interrupts with a harsh clearing of his throat. I look at him to see that his eyes are focussed on mine. He gestures towards me and says, "Is your name Elaine?" I nod. "I apologize when I say that because when William talks about you, he had never said your name. I know I have said this before but I should say again that I'm Francis, a nobleman of London. As you see here, I am a friend of William's. We are not just any ordinary friends but we are best friends as well as childhood friends." He gives a pat on William's back and they both give a little laugh. "Since we are close, the King instructed me to look after his well-being. I feel more like a chaperone than his friend. Often I have to tell him to do things or he'll forget to do them later!" He gives a snort and William gives him a mock glare. As they exchange laughs and mock insults to each other, I think back to the first thing Francis said. William talked about me? More than once, it seems? I feel giddy at the thought that he talked about me, hopefully good things about me. William makes a joke, talking about one of the "mischief" he and Francis pulled on their friends. Hearing about his experience made me laugh. He is light-hearted and carefree despite being a prince. That adds to another good quality of his so far. I look at the smile in his eyes and he smiles back. My world seems to stop. I want to be in the moment forever. To be in this happy moment with this charming man. Time slows down as William holds my gaze for a second too long. Francis, catching this, gets the impression that we wanted to be alone together so he leaves. Not before giving a wink at me though. I blush. Is it that obvious that I'm attracted to him?
  3. A beautiful song comes on as I think this. The violinist plays a lulling melody that it gives off a romantic mood in the room. The way that the person play the instrument is so enchanting. The notes that are produced with each move of the bow leave me in a trance. I suddenly have a sudden urge to play a violin. I turn my head to see William bowing to me. His bangs covered a bit of his mesmorizing blue eyes as they observed mine. He asks in an angelic tone, "May I have this dance, Elaine?" Fear struck me. I can't dance. I barely know how to dance let alone in this time period. How can I relief my desire to dance with him if I lack the knowledge to do so? Seeing the fear in my eyes, he looks at me with concern and asks me what's wrong. "I don't know how to dance," I whisper. Hearing my response, he chuckles. Seeing the confusion in my eyes, he assures me that I'll be a natural at it. He extends his hand towards me and says, "Just try and you'll see." Feeling unsure, I look from his hand to his face. His eyes show so much confidence in my ability to dance that I would feel guilty if I were to reject him. I took his hand and we start to dance. Expecting the horrible to happen, I close my eyes. Nothing happens. I'm doing okay. "See, Elaine? You are doing well despite your lack of confidence in yourself," he says. It's true. Maybe dancing feels natural for me because I'm with William. I am starting to move along with him with conviction. Because of him. He is able to make me feel confident in my dancing which I never ever thought I'd be good at. All too soon, the dance ended. William slowly pulls his hands away from me and I see reluctance in his eyes. I feel the same way. I didn't want to let go as well. I felt magic when we danced. The tingles I felt, caused by the contact of our hands, are proof of it.  
  4. After, William leads me off to a hallway, its entrance being protected by guards. I start to feel nervous. Why would he lead me away from the party? Usually it is not for a good reason and thinking that made me feel uncomfortable. Was the William before all an act? William looks at me and I see that he is serious, unlike moments before. I become fearful of him as he walks towards me, causing me to back up against the wall. He puts both arm besides me on the wall. I feel trapped. What is he going to do to me? I put on an emotionless face and hope that he won't see through it. Before moving his head besides mine, he looks around us as if to see if anyone's around. In a low voice he whispers, "I've seen something peculiar in the way you behave and act. It is unlike that of any women I met before. You're unique and I like that about you. In the past hour, I have wondered why you are the way you are but I... I think I know why. It must be..." Before he could continue, a big bang is heard. A door near us has shattered into a million sharp and jagged pieces. 
  5. War had broke out. Enemy soldiers have broken into the building. There are constant sounds of loud footsteps and shouts in a foreign language. Chaos reigns in the place as the roaring of gun shots continues. Screaming can be heard as all the rich people run all about, pushing each other aside and finding their loved ones. Many step over the bodies that have fallen. Human moral ethics are abandoned as everyone quickly switches to survival mode. I peek around the corner of the end of the hallway to see that the guards, who were just there, went off to fight, to protect, or to flee. The lighting has become terribly dim. The only light is provided by the flames and glow of the previously beautiful moonlight. I fear for my life. I don't want it to be taken away along with other countless lives lost in this furious battle. A feeling of grief fills me as I imagine the pain and suffering of those being killed and those seeing their friends and family killed. The whole place has become of that filled with blood and horrible cries. I never wanted a war or wanted to be in one at all. Life on earth has become destruction with death and unpleasantries in its atmosphere. I suddenly wish that I have the ability to control destiny and fate to prevent countless innocent lives from being lost or to time travel since I do not wish for the sudden loss of my family, friends, future job, love, and home with my death.
  6. The horrible realization that I must do something struck me. I don't know where to go or what to do. I look around me to see that William's gone! Fear ignites in me as I remember that I left him in order to see the destruction admidst. Now I am all alone to fend for myself. Quickly, I knew that I must turn away from where the danger is. I stop gravely as I see a shadow of a soldier about to enter the hallway. Fear glues me to the spot. I'm going to die and I know it. There's no way for me to hide. Suddenly, someone grabs me body and shoves me back roughly into dark place behind a statue. Thinking that it's my soon-to-be murderer, I struggle but I found that I can't do much since my voice is muffled by a strong hand and my waist is secured by another. I start to hyperventilate. I can't help but breathe faster and struggle with my future assailant uncontrollably. A deep and low voice stops me. It's coming from the person behind me. It's William. 
  7. "I suggest you stop making noises or we'll be caught. We'll make it out okay, Elaine. I assure you, I'll protect you with my life," William whispers. With that, I along with my intensity relax a little. My breathing slows and my body becomes still. I notice that William has me pressed against the front of his body. His slight touch on my body gives me tingles and his slow breaths on my neck makes me shiver. The intimate touch leads me to feel safe and loved but scared at the same time. Thinking that, I mentally slap myself for thinking such thoughts. I've only known him for half an hour (or more since time, it seems, skips every time I'm here) and I'm in the middle of a war! I shouldn't think this.
  8. Breaking through my thoughts, a soldier yells to another for help in a foreign language. His voice sounds like it's closing in on me and William. I hold my breath and close my eyes, hoping for the soldiers to pass by. In case that it doesn't happen, I prepare for our immediate deaths. However, no pain comes. There's only silence.
  9. I open my eyes to see a brick wall a metre in front of me. Why is that there, I thought. Then it dawns on me. I'm back in the present. Away from the war. But what is going to happen to William? I silently pray for him inside my head. If something is to happen to him, I would never forgive myself for abandoning him. Suddenly I feel pressure on my waist. I peer down to see that I'm in the arms of someone. As I look back, I find myself gazing into pure blue eyes once again. Will. Again, I am in the same position that William held me in. The longing to see if he's okay grow inside me. I watch Will as he slowly peeks around the corner of what looks like an alley, his arms wrapped gently around me. I observe the way he's holding me. He's holding me in a way that it seems like he doesn't want to ever let me go. I feel the same way for Will like I do for William. I blush at that thought. Realizing that we are in a danger I don't know about, I loudly whisper, "What are you doing?" "What do you think I'm doing? Protecting you. Now, shut up or we'll both get killed for nothing," he replies back angrily out of frustration... and concern for my safety? Reluctantly, knowing he's right, I do as I am told. 
  10. After a long period of silence, Will peeks around the corner once again. Then, he holds my hand and runs out of the empty alley to quietly go to someplace more safe. I worry if whoever are after us are still out there but Will claims that the guys should most likely be gone by now. Will and I run into a forest but I start to get tired. My body isn't built for running, which is shown by my marks in PE. I tell myself to keep going and hold on, that we'll be there soon, but my body does not listen. Losing energy, I carelessly trip, making a loud thud on the ground and a loud rustling of leaves. 
  11. Will and I both cringe at the loud noises I just made. Loud voices off at a distance suggest that others more malevolent heard me. Why did I have to get us caught? I am so dumb, I thought. "We don't have much time," Will says, pulling me up on my feet. With that, Will and I continue to run but running footsteps can be heard coming closer and closer to us. 
  12. Then, the most horrible thing happens. Will decides to make a supreme sacrifice. He tells me to go on ahead alone while he fights them off, stalling for time. I am appalled at his suggestion. I will not abandon him so he'll be the one to get hurt. I'll be filled with dread if I leave him behind, not knowing if he's dead or not. I'll stay with him. I refuse to go when he insists. Will's eyes show much pleading but at the sounds of the voices being close, he shoves me away, pushing me in the other direction. I look back, hurt by his actions. "Let me do this for you," he whispers to me. I feel so much pain in my heart as I leave him behind. The pleading and pain in his voice are too much. So I listen. I cry endless streams of tears without a sound. My feet are aching and are tainted with betrayal and guilt. My breathing becomes rapid and my world fades into black.  
  13. I am in darkness. My tears stain my face as I remember the unforgivable act I've done. I've left someone behind to be hurt when it should have been me. I let someone else take the fall and now I am left with guilt deep inside my heart. He shouldn't have done this for me. I am such a horrible person. I grab the arms that are holding me once again, basking in the warmth William gives me. I am glad he's okay. He's not dead. Even though I don't deserve it (the things he've done for me), I take the chance to feel William's embrace even if it's his past person. I can't help but still feel guilty leaving behind the real Will to be harmed. Far away from me, I hear muffled gun shots, screams, and cries. I must be getting further away from the danger zone. That is one good thing. What is not good though are the soldiers rampaging the place. The bloodshed that have occurred must be too great for anyone to see without cringing. To see the corpses and their dead souless eyes would be too much of a heartbreak. 
  14. I look up to see a hole in the ceiling and rocks at my feet. William must have made an exit while I was in deep thought. We get up from the cave and land onto the forest. I breathe in the fresh air, seeing nature in all its glory. Though it's a sight to behold, I know that there is a dark meaning behind it. It is all really a mask or disguise to what's really happening. War. Distracted, Will tugs on my arm and says urgently, "Now is not the time to enjoy nature like you do. We have more time for that later." As we run away (William not willing to give me answers of where we're going), smoke and fire light up behind us off at a distance, showing the devastation we are leaving behind.
  15. THE END. Well, what do you guys think? This memory is probably too action-packed to your liking but I feel that this is needed. I hope I helped you understand who Francis is and how Will and Prince William are similar! To say advance, sorry it's too long. Got carried away but I won't change a thing. Right now, it is late and I wanted to submit it early. Sorry in advance but I got sleepy and didn't edit for grammar and spelling. Think it's okay though... Anyway, what do you think will happen to Elaine and Prince William in the next memory? Do you think that Will in the present will meet his death? Post your thoughts in the comments. I'd really like to hear what you guys think! =) If you want to see certain things happening, put them in the comments and I'll do my best to incorporate them (appropriate things please, lol :P )! Also, if there are any confusion, please tell me. I would like to help you out. Stay tune for the next memory!

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