My Magical Life Part 1

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Hi, this is my first Harry Potter Story. I want to thank everybody that does them. Don't judge mine. I know their horrible. I was busy with school. D:

Hello! this is my first Harry Potter Story. I want to thank everybody that does them. Don't judge mine. I know their horrible. I was busy with school. D:

Created by: EagleHeart

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  1. Hi! Okay,before I start, special thanks to Pyra Potter, sam singer 17,natuhleegayle, and all the people who do HP love stories!
  2. {Six Years Ago} I was returning the laundry that Mr.Gold (the owner of Mr.Gold's Orphanage) ordered me to wash when I heard a shout. "Get out young lady!" Rupert Gold shouted. "Yes Mr. Gold" I reply. "Don't Mr. Gold me!" he screamed "Get outta here!Meet me in the sitting room! Now!"
  3. "Now. What were you doing there in my RESTRICTED room? Ms.{last}?" He asked. "Mr. Gold I was returning the laundry you told me to wash." I said. "I said, leave them by my door." He said. "But sir, I wanted to be nice and put them for you." I said. "No buts." He said.
  4. {Time Skip} "Here you go" Mr.Gold says as he places a sandwich of strawberry jam under my nose."I'm allergic to this." I say. "I know." he says cheerfully. "Sorry {first}. I would give you mine but, it's strawberry." Lindsay says reasurringly" I give her a tiny smile. "Hey, look. Mr.Gold is getting more adoption papers." Rue points out." I wonder who's going next."
  5. "Ms.______. Come here." Mr.Gold says "Pack your bags. Your leaving." "Sure." I say running to my room and giving the other girls a sad look. I retrieve the teal, hard-case luggage I brought and pack everything I have. "Why do I have to PACK now! I-What in the world!" I say. I watch as all my possessions float into my never-ending luggage."Whoa." I am silent.
  6. {To the Present} You wake up being shaked over and over and over. "Hermione! I'm awake!" I say. "Okay. But sis, it's almost they day." she says happily.
  7. "What day?" I say uncomfortably. "The last day of school silly!" Hermione giggles. "Okay, Okay, I'll wake up." I say.
  8. "Hey. Hermione, AHHHHHHH!!" I shriek. "WHAT!" She says "oh" An owl perches on my head. "What the heck?"
  9. Okay! Hi guys! So, thank you again to all the people who make HP stories. If you hated it, please comment suggestions.

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