My Little Pony Second Generation: Starling's Tale, Prologue

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I'm starting a new series, so yah. BTW, there are no results. nfejfomenkd m k.snfks v d vkdjk. eklr j ljrek rkaeknfk kkdk xck kld ,d,v kdujkknkkkknklk

nfejfomenkd m k.snfks v d vkdjk. eklr j ljrek rkaeknfk kkdk xck kld ,d,v kdujkknkkkknklknfejfomenkd m k.snfks v d vkdjk. eklr j ljrek rkaeknfk kkdk xc

Created by: Houndlover
  1. It was torchere, when my mother went onstage and preformed. She sounded so, so, so perfect.
  2. I, myself, have never sung, afraid I wasn’t good, and if I wasn’t good, well, I’ll be venerable, open to bullying. That couldn’t happen.
  3. I had to be perfect, sing perfect.
  4. Why, you might ask.
  5. Because my mother was the one, the only, Songbird Serenade.
  6. that's it for the prologue.
  7. I'll do a origin chapter in a min...
  8. so, have a nice day...
  9. I hope I'll see you soon...
  10. Bye!

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