My life in six words

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This quiz shows what my life feels like at the current moment in six words. It was fun to make, but it was also somewhat hard. Multiple times I had the perfect sentence, but it was seven words long, and not six. That was frustrating, but I played around with it and fixed it until it became six words. The second paragraph is going to be this important one. You should skip this one because this current paragraph is bad. I'm just trying to write a lot so I can get a good word count and improve my quality score on this quiz. My favorite album ever is called Issues. It's awesome. It's hard to pick a favorite song on this album. In fact, it's getting H@rd3r and H@rd3r and H@rd3r by the minute. Hahaha, I crack myself up sometimes. If you caught that reference, you are amazing and we share a mind.

Okay, so I did NOT come up with this quiz idea on my own. One day I was scrolling through GTQ and found this quiz that did this exact same thing. I thought the idea was cool, so I thought maybe I should give it I try and see what happens. I will put the link to the quiz that gave me inspiration to do this in the closing paragraph at the end of the quiz. Does that sound good? I hope. I don't want to rip off and steal someone else's idea. Even though the quiz that inspired me is over ten years old, I still think that whole idea stealing thing applies. Anyway, this quiz is my pure emotion. My thoughts and feelings about everything I have experienced recently. I am not gonna go into detail, because I don't want the people who I am writing about to see this and be even more mad than they are.

Created by: Ash Midnight
  1. I try to be stoic, but can't.
  2. Nobody will ever know me completely.
  3. I'll always do what I want.
  4. Everything that's happened is my fault.
  5. My true mind lies inside my poems
  6. I'm not bad, my mind is.
  7. I'm more than who I portray.
  8. All good things have an end.
  9. I'm not a pessimist, but realist.
  10. Both my instruments are my soul.
  11. Braces should be banned; they hurt.
  12. You can't stop me from swearing.
  13. You'll always think I'm sh1t, right?
  14. Your words shred me to pieces.
  15. My passion for strings won't die.
  16. Do I matter to you anymore?
  17. What I don't know kills me.
  18. I want someone to just listen.
  19. I'm too complex to fully understand.
  20. Everything I do is for a reason.
  21. My true loyalty will never waver.
  22. I write from my raw emotions.
  23. What I've started won't ever finish.
  24. Show me that I mean something.
  25. My eyes show my true thoughts.
  26. I can't ever fake a friendship.
  27. I lie by what I don't say.
  28. I want to have perfect pitch.
  29. I'll never put my dreams on hold.
  30. My life, my choice, my problem.
  31. You have to earn my respect.
  32. Work hard to see my smile.
  33. I'll never be first chair, ever.
  34. A safety pin is my earring.
  35. At night, my mind lay awake.
  36. I'll always be the strange one.
  37. All I ask is true friendship.
  38. I'm not toxic; not on purpose.
  39. Why do I stay in this misery?
  40. My dreams; always better than reality.
  41. I watch and observe from afar.
  42. I'll never forget what you said.
  43. My wounds, too deep for bandages.
  44. My tongue, sharp; my mind, not.
  45. Both my cats, my forever companions.
  46. I remember when things were different.
  47. I think I have a headache.
  48. Thank you so much for reading.

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