I love you all! Not in a creepy way! I hope you will take my quizzes so you will be in my next 'Special Thanks!' quiz! ~ Katniss31 P.S I will take a while making my next quiz

I hope you will take my quizzes and enter my contest! If you even enter I will look at ur page and take 1 of your quizzes. The sign-ups are in Warrior Cat Love Story 5.

Created by: Katniss31

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Special thanks to RAVE098 for being awesome and taking all of my quizzes. She also helped me by answering my questions and helping me with all of my quizzes.
  2. Special thanks to WOLFSTAR for taking my quizzes!! And saying "Please make more soon! I love the quizes! XD"
  3. Special thanks to legolucas25 for taking my quizzes!
  4. Special thanks to IMOJEAN2001 for being the first person EVER to take my quizzes!!!
  5. And special thanks to Hollyleaf for taking my quiz and saying they are awesome!!! XD
  6. Ok, so that's everyone that took my quiz. I have to fill up 5 more questions, sooooo, I am going to put what people got! YAYYY.
  7. (Ok, so some people got different answers as the quiz went along, so i am going to put what you got on all of the quzzes. So if you see your name twice, that means that you probablygot a differant answer as you went along!!) People that got Darkfeather... . IMOJEAN2001 .Hollyleaf .Wolfstar .Rave098 .Katniss31 (LOL! ya... I take my quizzes just to see what i would get!)
  8. People that got Mountainfur: .legolucas25 .Wolfstar .Katniss31 .Rave098
  9. People who got Shadowgaze: .Rave098 .Katniss31 .Hollyleaf
  10. Ok. I am sorry of I forgot you. If i did, that means you had taken my quizzes after i made this. I will make another one in about a month or so!

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