Metal Test (poser detector)

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This quiz will test how Metal and how much of a Fugazi (poser) you are, be careful. Read the questions thoroughly and read the choices carefully, Good Luck.

The quiz only has one correct answer. After you finish you will receive a percentage that will determine the level of Metal in you. Don't forget to share your results!

Created by: Azzam Khan
  1. What genre came first?
  2. What was the first Death Metal band?
  3. Jason Newsted played up to 25 basses in the Black Album by Metallica including 6, 10, and 12-string bass which were used for specific parts
  4. Which band is considered the pioneer of Nu Metal?
  5. What album is considered the most successful album of the 21st century?
  6. Which of these guitarists died in 2013?
  7. Who played drums for Avenged Sevenfold tribute album (Nightmare) in 2010 after the shocking death of Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan?
  8. The Big Four Thrash Metal bands are Metallica ,Megadeth, Slayer, and
  9. What lyric started the Nu Metal wave, starting a whole new generation
  10. Which Band Has Albums with the following genres: Thrash Metal, Death Metal, Black Metal, Nu Metal, Groove Metal
  11. What was the Black Metal shop owned by Euronymous called?
  12. Which Band was featured on an episode of Spongebob Squarepants?
  13. Deathcore is a subgenre of what genres?
  14. Which band is considered the first Metal Band?
  15. Which of these Successful bands started as a Metalcore band but changed their style later on?
  16. How many lineup changes did Metallica have?
  17. At what year was the album South of Heaven released?
  18. What song won the Grammy Award for Best Metal performance in 2001?
  19. How many lineup changes did Slipknot have since 1999?
  20. What is the most viewed Metal song on Youtube?

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