Maybe Hogwarts Isn't So Easy After All... Part 2 | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Maybe Hogwarts Isn't So Easy After All... Part 2.

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  • @HarryPotter_1D- Hahaha I will get it out soon I hope! Not like last time! Thank you so much! I love your series as well! Speaking of that I need to catch up on it! Thanks so much!

    @xxblutixx - Thanks! It's the same with me really, if I knew her I'd kind of want to punch her in the face but that's what's so fun about writing a character like her. Thanks again! McLaggen kind of makes me want to gag as well but I wanted to put a HP character in there that hasn't been in many quizzes I guess. Or well before 6th year. Yes and you'll have to wait to find out! Thanks so much! Yea not many people take that quiz series...

    @ilyvo lleyball- Hey thanks! It's fine. I honestly don't mind. I'd like to see more out there! I can't wait to see what you have in store!

    @briauna- Thanks!

  • coolio!!!!!!!

  • Hey! I love your Vampire Academy quizzesand I was also going to make a love story quiz, I was totally stoned when I saw yours! I had just about given up hope one would be made, mine would be very different but I just wanted to ask if you were okay cause I don't want to steal your idea

  • I like the main character's attitude. Even though, if I really knew her, I'd be annoyed and wondering what's got her so peeved off all the time, I like it in the story because it's different, and it does go with her life about how she's angry that she had to move over to England with an unsmiling mope of an uncle. Oh my goodness, McLaggen? Excuse me while I gag. "I" have a secret that I don't know yet? *frowny face* That's interesting... I love this series so far, Freeze! Oh, and I just caught up with Fragments of My Memory and that one's going well too! It just made me sad that the comments board looked empty D: Hm, I got Cedric Diggory as my result =( but it was the same percentage as Fred, so I'd rather choose Fred. Do continue, Freeze!

  • NOOOO!! You can't end it like that!! I need the next part out!!! This was so good and just awesome! I can't even explain how good this was!!!


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