Magic Love Torn Apart part 1

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Created by: kittykit

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Dear reader, In this story you will have golden hair, crystal blue eyes, and freckles.
  2. You are walking home from school. A tall man with red hair walks up to you. He is wearing all black. He grabs you tight and brings you into the woods.
  3. Suddenly, As he starts to tie you to a tree, a boy with blond hair and brown eyes defends you. They get into a fight.
  4. Eric wins and he unties you. You say, "Oh thank you so much!" He bows and says, "You are very welcome. I was told to give you this letter by the way." He hands you the letter.
  5. He offers to take you home. You go with him. When you get home you open the letter. It reads,"Dear ______ You have been accepted to Roses Magic School for Witches and Wizards. all you will need is a wand. ~Robert D. Hopes
  6. " Well ______. When I was your age, I already knew about my powers. Your father had rescued me from the same man that ambushed you. He took me home and gave me my letter. I ran to my mother and she was very proud like I am of you my dear. Magic was created very long ago. In about 500,000,000 BC.
  7. You stand in awe. You ask your mother why se hadn't told you. She replies, " I didn't expect you to get powers. You see if two magic people like me and your father, have a baby, which is you, the baby normaly doesn't have powers."
  8. She continues telling you about the magic world until dinner. You're having pizza with fries. After dinner you take a shower, put on your PJ'S and go to bed.
  9. You hear a squeak, when you open your eyes the window is open and a light is shining. As you get closer.......
  10. CLIFHANGER! Check out part two to see what happens.

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