Lutheran Confessions Quiz

This is a quiz about the Lutheran Confessions. So if you are Lutheran and in seminary this might be a helpful quiz for you to study for your test from a plaid wearing theolgian.

Super church nerds may know the answers to this test. Forgive the spelling mistakes. Try this quiz to get some knowledge on the Lutheran COnfessions.

Created by: Mer
  1. How do you spell Phil's last name
  2. Who is the author of the Augsburg Confession?
  3. Who wrote the Smalcald articles?
  4. Who wrote on the Treatise of the Power and Primacy of the Pope?
  5. Who wrote the Formula of Concord's Solid Declaration?
  6. Who wrote the Epitome?
  7. What is the Epitome?
  8. What was the Flacian Controversy about
  9. Which Controversy was about free will?
  10. How many Antinomian Conterversies are there?
  11. What is the Majoristic Controversy?
  12. What is another name for the Eucharticitic Controversies?
  13. Which controversy surrounds the prescence of Christ in communion?
  14. How many uses of the Law are there?
  15. According to Melanchthon what is a sacrament.
  16. How many sacraments are there?
  17. Christ is what in the Eucharist
  18. Good works will get us to heaven.
  19. How many creeds are there?

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