Love At Mystic Falls pt.1

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This quiz is a finish the sentence quiz and will determine you result by what sentence you pick. This is part one of multiple quiz that i am going to make. This is my first quiz so it only has five questions there will be more questions and quizzes in the future.

i have never made any quizzes before so please don't judge this quiz if it is bad. I tried to make it so everyone has an answer but if you wouldn't pick any please just randomly pick and don't click off.

Created by: lulie13
  1. You, Elena, Caroline and Bonnie hoped out of your car and knocked on the Salvatore house door, "Hello______," Damon says as he opens the door to let us in. You start to walk up the stairs until you fall back and
  2. They catch you and you turn and blush at them. "Thanks," you say as you move out of their arms and blush again. You keep walking upstairs to talk to Jeremy about killing Katherine pierce. You ask
  3. You Ask them for help and head to the lounge room to watch Bonnie set up a map,"come here," Bonnie said as i cut my hand to put my blood on the map. I watched the blood go across the map and drop off the table in Elena's direction, she went to clean up the blood and the cloth and blood lit on fire.
  4. He leaps at her and she dodges and asks, "How did no one notice, even when I kissed Damon," she looked at Damon and gave a slight smirk as he leaped at her she vamped out of the way and pushed you to the groud, you prepared for the impact of the hard ground but before you hit it
  5. He caught you and pulled you to you feet. " awww," Katherine said as she watched it happen. "bye," she then said and vamped out of the room... and then it hit us, She took Elena. you jumped into you car and
  6. You drove your car in silence, 'there is only one place they can be' you thought to your self as you entered the once rotting dungeon where many vampires where once rotting. you looked over the corner to see Katherine holding Elena up with re vane ropes around her. Katherine had put up a barrier that we could not pass without getting locked in the caves. You turned to your left,
  7. He got stuck inside the barrier and held a stake at Katherine's heart she started giggling, "you wont kill me," she laughed again,
  8. she fell to the ground and Bonnie, Mary-Louise and Laura run down the stairs to us. Laura and Mary-Louise syphened the spell and let
  9. Once he got out Jeremy injected re vane into Katherine and we helped load her into his car. She then woke up two ours later in the Salvatore dungeon,
  10. She had to sit in the Dungeon for days on end until one day (you pick the name below) went into her cage and held a stake to her heart and...

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