Living and Non-living things

There are several living and non-living things in the world. Are you able to tell the difference between the two? Do you know the different characteristics of each group? This quiz will test your genius on this topic.

Are you a genius on this topic? Do you have the brainpower to qualify for that prestigious title? Right now we can only wonder. Take this quiz and we will find out if you are genius!

Created by: Matt

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. A living thing can change and grow?
  2. An animal is a living thing?
  3. What does an animal need to survive?
  4. Plants need what to survive?
  5. Non-living things include:
  6. Living things can reproduce
  7. Can living things respond to the environment?
  8. Can non-living things reproduce?
  9. Non-living things can move from place to place.
  10. Do people create non-living things?

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