Life and Love at Hogwarts part 1

This is first quiz so I don't expect it to be awesome, but I hope it is. Sorry that I leave you at a cliff hanger, I couldn't think of anything else to put. Please rate and comment. Depending on ratings and comments I will stop or continue. Thanks!

This is first quiz so I don't expect it to be awesome, but I hope it is. Sorry that I leave you at a cliff hanger, I couldn't think of anything else to put. Please rate and comment. Depending on ratings and comments I will stop or continue. Thanks!!

Created by: Pyra Potter

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. It's your first year at Hogwarts, although it's your third at a magical education school. You are sitting on your bed reading an old book about wands that you found in your old dorm. You suddenly hear an owl at the door, you expect it is either Hogwarts, the Weasleys telling you, once again, that they hope your letter comes soon, or Hermione saying she hopes your in Gryffindor. Who do you want it to be?
  2. It's your first year at Hogwarts, although it's your third at a magical education school. You are sitting on your bed reading an old book about wands that you found in your old dorm. You suddenly hear an owl at the door, you expect it is either Hogwarts, the Weasleys telling you, once again, that they hope your letter comes soon, or Hermione saying she hopes your in Gryffindor. Who do you want it to be?
  3. You set down your dusty purple copy of "History of Wand Making" by Justin Spellcastra, and walk towards the window, run is more like it because the suspense was killing you and the constant rapping on the window was irritating, you threw open the window to allow the brown barn owl in. "Hogwarts..." you said in a small voice. "Hogwarts!" you spoke up. You were filled with joy and began dancing around your room, your _{hair length}_ _{your hair color}_ hair twirling with you. You sat on your bed smiling from ear to ear, then you saw the Hogsmead permission slip. Your smile quickly faded to be replaced by a grimace. "Well, it's worth a try," you whispered to yourself while walking out the door of your bedroom.
  4. "Breath in, breath out," you kept saying as you descended each stair. "Cousin John?" you asked anxiously when you entered the kitchen. "Yes, ______?" John asked while putting away the dishes. You regained your excitement as you excitedly explained your Hogwarts letter, but quickly became anxious again, "Uhhm, Cousin John?" You asked anxiously once more. He glared at you. "What, _____?" Cousin John said annoyed. "Uhhm, it's just that third years get to go on a trip to Hogsmead-" He cut you off, "NO!" "BUT....JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED THERE MEANS THAT I CAN'T GO?!?!?!?" you shouted. John screamed for you to go outside, while throwing a couple of plates at you. You began to cry and ran outside. You ran back to your normal spot when John screams at you. You sat down at the secret garden by the playground.
  5. You began to rub the crescent moon shaped cut on your left shoulder. You sobbed as the wind swept your _{hair color}_ hair behind you. It was four in the morning and you were not planning on going home. You began to call to the owls. "Hoo, hooo, hoo, ho-o-o-o" you broke into sobs as a medium sized owl landed on your knee. You quickly strode over to the fountain were you kept parchment and a few pens and you scrawled a quick letter to Hermione. 'Hate my life, got into Hogwarts, can you come and take me away from my horrible cousin, help me please! In same place as usual, _{your name}_.' A few tear drops had fallen onto the parchment, but you didn't care. You tied the letter to the leg of the owl. "To-Hermione-Granger-" Once again you broke into furious sobs. You decided to take a walk as your unregistered animagus, a black leopard with a crescent marking on your shoulder. You had decided last year, when you learned to become an animagus, that you wouldn't tell the Ministry due to the possibility that a Lord Voldemort follower would hack the Ministry's records, and you couldn't slip past undetected if they came to find you.
  6. "Hoo, hoo, hooo" the owl that you had sent to Hermione an hour ago was back. "What did she say?! I hope she comes and gets me, I need my best friend!" You said to the owl. You had stopped crying now, but your face was wet as you had splashed water in your face. You took the tiny burden from the brown, golden, and black, barn owl and read. '______, sorry about your Cousin John, you can explain it all to me later. I am coming to get you on the Night Nus, see you soon, Hermione.' You went to go get your trunk because you planned on staying with Hermione the rest of the summer. When you had retrieved your trunk you went to wait by the road. You heard something suspicious, and turned around.
  7. Sorry that this was so short!!!

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