Know Your Religion (LDS) | Comments

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  • I was a teen in 1978. We were absolutely told that the curse had been lifted. In a general conference talk. I remember it clearly.

  • Im no historian but it seems to me there are quite a few problems with this quiz. For example:

    1. Didnt Joseph share his 1820 vision with a minister that criticized him afterward?

    4. It appears early LDS bishops were paid for a time but not always 10% as the quiz indicates. How long did that last?

    5. Several apostles shared the fact that a revelation was the reason for the change in priesthood ordination policy in 1978. The church didnt know why it was changed under Brigham Young.

    6. Other witnesses and not Oliver Cowdery described the technique that Joseph uses to dictate the text of the Book of Mormon to Oliver.

    I believe several of your answers are not technically accurate either.

    For example: 11. Joseph had a pistol which he used in Carthage Jail in 1844. Reports indicate he pulled the trigger on his pepper box pistol six times but three barrels misfired and two or three men were actually shot but none of the attackers in the mob died.

    How many more inaccuracies are there that I missed? Id wager there are more.

    You also misspell the words already, neighbor, Oliver, Cowdery (several times), didnt, explaining, drunken, and extract in this brief 11 question quiz.

    The quiz does not instill confidence in me that the one who created it knew anymore than I did about the points he chose to bring up.

  • I learned more information about the church from ex-Mormons than I did the Mormons. The only difference is the history keeps changing with the Mormons.

  • OK!

  • It did make me think...

  • Good quiz to bring people up to speed on some basic and documented history that does matter.


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