this quiz is for those jls fans who think they know every thing about them and what they are and how they have come so far and what they are about:) :)

take this quiz to realise that you really are a true jls fan then tell every one about it and how well you did and see if they can beat yor score :) :)

Created by: Claire
  1. Who stated the band
  2. Whens astons birthday
  3. whats astons middle name
  4. whats jb's real name
  5. whats aston best at
  6. how did marvin get the scar on his stomach
  7. how did they get their colours
  8. what does jls stand for
  9. Whats marvins favorite holiday destination
  10. what did they audition for
  11. Whats desease does oritse's mum have
  12. what colours do they wear

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