Itsfunneh Quiz made:August 2018

Here is a quiz i made at the age of 9 and I am i potato pleb yes you are too if you love itsfunneh jsjxhgxfx I'm just doing this so I can publish this njgvbbnnznsnsbsjhsmsk!smsjsmjsjsmsjsjsjjjsmznznbxbxbxbsbbsbsbzbzbxbxhxhgxfxfxvxvxvvxvxvxvxbx

Z zbsbshsgsfxfxvxvxvz I'm just doing this so I can publish it jhbbd exec under s chefs bzbbzzbsgsgsvsvsvcsvjajsbxgewwdg xyh ttc vg ahs subnet vgdgdghxhzhzhzhzshzhzhahhahagagagagsgzgzgzgzgzgsgsgagaggagagagsgsgsgsg

Created by: Ava
  1. What are the krew's real names? Order:Funneh,Draco,Rainbow,Gold,Lunar
  2. Did itsfunneh do a face reveal yet?
  3. Does itsfunneh Have 100,000,000,Subs?
  4. How old is itsfunneh?
  5. Does itsfunneh Have a Minecraft Daycare series?
  6. Did Kat use French fries in her Face reveal at all?
  7. What is funneh's first video
  8. How many videos does funne H do a day?
  9. Does funneh own a coffee machine?
  10. Yay you made it to the end now back to the question| is itsfunneh kid friendly (this is easy)

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