It's Complicated | Comments

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  • I'm sorry about getting embarrassed by ur teach. i remember this one time when my teach said she was going to call on people with their hands up when she asked a question, and there was a question i didn't know, and everybody else knew the answer so they were raising their hands, so i was the only one not raising my hand, and she called on ME. i was even talking to someone while she was talking, which made it even worse. She said if i didn't stop talking, i would go to the principal's office. i was so mad.

  • I'm sorry about getting embarrassed by ur teach. i remember this one time when my teach said she was going to call on people with their hands up when she asked a question, and there was a question i didn't know, and everybody else knew the answer so they were raising their hands, so i was the only one not raising my hand, and she called on ME. i was even talking to someone while she was talking, which made it even worse. She said if i didn't stop talking, i would go to the principal's office. i was so mad.

  • Wow I'm really sorry about the whole "teacher situation." my band teacher makes fun of me alot and I get super ticked. Like one time my friend gave me 4 chocolate bars and I ate one cause I was hungry and I was about to put the other 3 in my bag when Mr.Martin (band teacher) walks over and grabs one and says "Oh, my favorite." so I say "Give it back" and I stick out my hand and he says "You eat in my class you have to pay the taxes" I said "give it back" and then he sticks it in his mouth and said "Do you want it now?" and then he walks away. I was soo fricken pissed. And then another time he was asking us a question on what this word meant and I had no idea what it meant. So he asks my friend and she says "I don't know" then he says to me "meegan (like me gan), do you know what it is?" so I said "Don't call me that, and I don't know." so then he makes fun of me in front of the whole class. Then, later after class, he comes up to me and tells me that I have a bad attitude and I need to fix it. And that he will call me Megan if I fixed my attitude. And then like two days ago, he was making fun of this one other flute play who wasn't there and he was saying that this band is better without her so I said "Thats really mean" and this girl who sits next to me says "yeah it is but he makes fun of her all the time" I said "I know but it's still really mean." then Mr.Martin says "Well you would know Davis (still not calling me by my first name) because tour the expert at being mean." I was sooooo mad and I literally wanted to start crying.

  • I forgot what i was suposed to be ansering about the getting embarrst by ur teacher but that SUCKS!!!!!!! Im so sorry. Something like that happened to me dont worry everyone forgot about it. And now that crush is now my bf... anyways i LOVE LOVE LOVE all of ur stories u should become an author when u grow up. I would read them.ok this is a really long coment i just think u desevere one cuz ur quizes are the BEST!!!!

  • I forgot what i was suposed to be ansering about the getting embarrst by ur teacher but that SUCKS!!!!!!! Im so sorry. Something like that happened to me dont worry everyone forgot about it. And now that crush is now my ... anyways i LOVE LOVE LOVE all of ur stories u should become an author when u grow up. I would read them.ok this is a really coment i just think u desevere one cuz ur quizes are the BEST!!!!


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