Is your OC a Mary/Gary Sue?

Mary Gary sues are characters that are overly powerful, have everyone love them, incredibly smart, and do no wrong in their stories no matter what happens to others, as long as they are in the spotlight and are super strong.

This quiz will help you decide if your character fits the description I laid out above. If you get the answers Kinda or Mary/Gary sue, consider watching videos on youtube on how to fix that.

Created by: Furby
  1. Does your oc have powers that can easily overthrow characters like Thanos?
  2. Is your character overly attractive or pretty, and everyone admires their beauty?
  3. Is your character smarter than all other characters and do they know everything?
  4. Does your character's design include lots of colors, neon, and rainbows?
  5. Do you use terms like "orbs" and "locks" to refer to eyes and hair?
  6. If you use the term orbs and locks, do you use overly poetic terms for colors? Like emerald instead of green, raven instead of black, etc? If you said no to the previous question, simply answer no here.
  7. How tragic is their backstory?
  8. Are they overly insane and kill all their family?
  9. Does your character overcome all obstacles with no failures
  10. Do they "sleep" their way through social dynamics

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Quiz topic: Is my OC a Mary/Gary Sue?
