Is It True Love? | Comments

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  • aw man, do i have a story to tell...

    my boyfriend and i had been friends for years, but after moving away 4 years ago (we weren't dating back then) i thought i wouldn't see him again. but then he moved, and then we were friends again. he said he was fully gay, no exceptions. but then, my so-called best friend (i found out they were fake, and now they're tryna be my friend again... i know i shouldn't, but i started being nice to them again.) who had been female and lesbian the year before, decided to go transgender and male after meeting my friend, and my friend fell for him and they dated. i know it happens, but then about a month and a half later, he says he doesn't want to be with my friend anymore. and then says i had to pick a side after i tried defending my friend (no, it wasn't cheating, it was something else i don't wanna get into) and i chose my friend (my now boyfriend) because i had told him i would always be there for him and never stop being his friend. The same day, he says he's actually bi, he likes boys and girls the same amount. A couple days later (they broke up on a wednesday, this is friday) i asked him something and, after he responded, i responded with "honestly i think i'ma die alone" since i had never dated ANYONE. then he says i could get with him, but i was confused at first. then he said "it was a joke at first but you turned it into a legit question" i apologized and tried to sweep it under the rug, but he wouldn't let it go. he forced a confession out of me, then said he liked me as well. even though, at the beginning of the year when i had told him i had liked him 4 years ago, he told me he would never date me. turns out he was wrong, and we're dating. but i know that if his ex did want him back and my boyfriend would want him too, i would let him go and be with my ex-bff. a couple weeks ago, he randomly told me "i think we would be better as friends" i said alright, but then he said "nevermind. screw it, i love you." he had told me th

    • (continuation) he had told me that we were supposed to tell no one about us, so hearing him say it out in public was a surprise. i know i would do anything for him. someone wise once said "if you love something, let it go. if it comes back, keep it forever."

  • 95% true love
    i love u hubby

  • great Quiz......i love u kaiser

  • i got 94 percent true love, i took this quiz about chord overstreet, see the chord overstreet perfect girl quiz was right i am perfect for him check out that quiz please

    kristina kozeluh
  • Defiantly True Love. We broke up because of how I was acting. I realized I truly loved her so I finally got her to see me and I told her I changed for the better and promised no more lies. She's falling for me again cause she see's the changes I made. If you really loved someone and you knew they were the One you would change your bad habits and do anything to make them happy.

  • So accurate. True Love. It is even though im 12. Lol. We have already made wedding plans. He will proplse on my 18th bday andd we will get married on our anniversary. He told me this and I agreed.

  • Its True Love!

    Congratula tions!!!!! Its true love. You found the person that your going to be with forever!!!! You should be very very very!! Happy!!!!!!!!!! You two should get married!!

    that last part about getting married, is a big no no. cuz im 11. and the person i took this quiz about isnt my bf, he's my crush. so yeah. plus, he's younger, but who cares! i mean, he's 4 months younger not 4 years younger!

  • Your Result: Its True Love!

    Congratulations!! !!! Its true love. You found the person that your going to be with forever!!!! You should be very very very!! Happy!!!!!!!!!! You two should get married!!

    ok. we shouldnt get married cuz we're only 12. i would never marry him when i was 12.

  • great quiz!


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